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Surgical Wounds

Introduction: In recent years, xylazine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist, has increasingly contaminated the opioid supply in many areas of the United States.2 Used to extend the subjective ef...
Introduction: Statistics are over whelming as are our clinical experiences in regard to hospital acquired tissue injuries- the very fact that they are so frequent in the year 2024 is diff...
Introduction: Friction burns (FB), commonly called road rash, are superficial injuries frequently associated with sports activities and road accidents. FB are caused when the skin rubs in...
Introduction: A 71- year-old male presented to the wound care center for non-healing surgical wound of his right lower leg and foot for greater than one year. Patient sustained an ankle f...
Introduction:  Vibrio Vulnificus is an opportunistic gram-negative bacterial pathogen that is found in  warm low-salinity waters. V. vulnificus wounds are increasing in prevalence due to ...
Introduction: Cutaneous metastasis from internal malignancies is rare, and its presentation as wounds is even less common. This study presents four cases of patients initially presenting ...
Introduction: Wounds in patients with significant venous insufficiency and chronic stasis dermatitis may present complex challenges, often exacerbated by persistent bio burden.
Introduction: Lower extremity limb salvage is a cornerstone of podiatry, which is often fraught with complications due to the complexity of the diabetic foot and often with vascular compr...
Introduction: Seromas are reported in nearly all cases of hernia repair after radiologic imaging. Clinically symptomatic seromas are reported in up to 12.5% of patients following incision...
Introduction: This is a case of using Fish Skin Graft (FSG) on a large open wound complicated by olecranon bursitis.  The patient is a right handed 87 yr old male avid fisherman with hist...