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Poster CS-170

Results of a clinical study utilizing a novel contemporary designed medical device for  the prevention and treatment of hospital acquired tissue injuries.

Michael J. Marcus (he/him/his)DPM FACFASBeverly Hopsital Montebello Ca. el Monte Community Hospital White memorial of

Introduction: Statistics are over whelming as are our clinical experiences in regard to hospital acquired tissue injuries- the very fact that they are so frequent in the year 2024 is difficult to understand. The present methods for the prevention and treatment of initial HAPIS involves of loading with a pillow under the calf. Some devices have been used with mixed results.  Off loading is a constant battle. We review instructions with nurses and other docs and personnel and family regarding off loading- yet compliance is minimal at most.Methods: We refer to it as The Heelsphere. A newly designed medical device- The HeelSphere device stands out from others in the market due to its unique features and benefits, which include: Global shape allowing for limb motion:  Orange color for visibility: Strapless design to reduce tissue injuries Full heel offloading: Effectively relieves pressure  Lightweight construction: Allows the patient to turn on his or her sides: Pleasant design: Provides a pleasant and user-friendly experience  Safe to apply:  Compatible with compressor devices: Compatible with wound vacs and other modalities such as grafting. Facilitates easy observation of wounds: Streamlines wound evaluation: Prevents the need for the nurse to lift the limb: Sensor capabilities: Incorporates sensor technology for enhanced monitoring and data collection. Long internal core for proper limb support: Ensures adequate support without causing undue pressure  Fluted internal corridor for airflow: Reduces moisture buildup Vacuum-packed for accessibility and storage: Convenient packaging Contemporary design and function: Results: There were several data points collected throughout the study  as well as measurement that were obtained and data collected for statistical review. Conclusions were made that informed us that the device was found to provide uniformly consistent off loading. It was well tolerated and did not initiate any medically induced tissue injuries.Advantages of this devices over others were easily observed throughout the study. Nurses uniformly considered the device beneficial and easy to use.  Discussion: The Heel Sphere is a cost-effective medical device that efficiently provides offloading of the heel and ankle in order to prevent and treat Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries  - which affect approximately 2.5 million individuals every year, in the United States. Previous methods for the prevention and treatment of these problems have proven inefficient. Our device allows for some movement of the leg without compromising its main goal of offloading, while it also allows for easy access to the heel for healthcare workers examination, care and treatment.References: