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Windy E. Cole, DPM, CWSP, FACCWS

Providing optimal patient care often requires thinking about contributors outside of the core pathology. In this piece, the author outlines key considerations in better understanding both clinical and patient-related factors that can impact...
Providing optimal patient care often requires thinking about contributors outside of the core pathology. In this piece, the author outlines key considerations in better understanding both clinical and patient-related factors that can impact...
Providing optimal patient care...
Podiatry Today
Case Report and Brief Review
A 56-year-old female with ESRD on at-home peritoneal dialysis (PD) presented to the outpatient wound clinic with a punch biopsy-proven calciphylaxis lesion.
A 56-year-old female with ESRD on at-home peritoneal dialysis (PD) presented to the outpatient wound clinic with a punch biopsy-proven calciphylaxis lesion.
A 56-year-old female with ESRD...
Windy Cole, DPM
In this video, Dr. Cole shares insights into her lecture that puts energy first when determining a treatment for diabetic foot ulcers.
In this video, Dr. Cole shares insights into her lecture that puts energy first when determining a treatment for diabetic foot ulcers.
In this video, Dr. Cole shares...
Podiatry Today
Guest Editorial
In the October guest editorial, Dr. Windy Cole reminds the wound care community of the value in being involved in clinical research.
In the October guest editorial, Dr. Windy Cole reminds the wound care community of the value in being involved in clinical research.
In the October guest editorial,...
Clinician Commentary
Together, we can help to develop advanced, cutting-edge therapies to help our at-risk patients.
Together, we can help to develop advanced, cutting-edge therapies to help our at-risk patients.
Together, we can help to develop...
Podiatry Today
Dr. Cole dives into the importance of antimicrobial stewardship.
Dr. Cole dives into the importance of antimicrobial stewardship.
Dr. Cole dives into the...
Podiatry Today
Windy Cole, DPM
SAWC Spring
This author discusses her SAWC Spring session, offering a guide to how physicians can best treat patients with health care disparities, and overcome social determinants of health when treating wounds.
This author discusses her SAWC Spring session, offering a guide to how physicians can best treat patients with health care disparities, and overcome social determinants of health when treating wounds.
This author discusses her SAWC...
Today's Wound Clinic
Preview Image
In this video, Dr. Windy E. Cole reports the results of a case series in which 3 patients who presented with rare diseases—atypical wounds—were diagnosed via biopsy results. Data were presented at the 2022 SAWC Fall.
In this video, Dr. Windy E. Cole reports the results of a case series in which 3 patients who presented with rare diseases—atypical wounds—were diagnosed via biopsy results. Data were presented at the 2022 SAWC Fall.
In this video, Dr. Windy E. Cole...
SAWC Insights
Dr. Desmond Bell, Chief Medical Officer of Omeza, and Dr. Windy Cole, Adjunct Professor and Director of Wound Care Research, Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine will discuss the current state of wound care and introduce Omeza...
Dr. Desmond Bell, Chief Medical Officer of Omeza, and Dr. Windy Cole, Adjunct Professor and Director of Wound Care Research, Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine will discuss the current state of wound care and introduce Omeza...
Dr. Desmond Bell, Chief Medical...
Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcers and their resultant skin defects are common and costly challenges for healthcare providers. Recent advances in tissue engineering have given rise to new...