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Luis Fernando Giraldo

Original Research
The objective of this descriptive, retrospective case series was to determine the efficacy of recombinant human epidermal growth factor plus compression therapy vs standard of care in 48 patients with active ulcers resulting from chronic...
The objective of this descriptive, retrospective case series was to determine the efficacy of recombinant human epidermal growth factor plus compression therapy vs standard of care in 48 patients with active ulcers resulting from chronic...
The objective of this...
Case Report
This study describes the results in the healing of venous ulcers with the perilesional and intralesional use of nepidermin in patients with a class VI venous insufficiency diagnosis.
This study describes the results in the healing of venous ulcers with the perilesional and intralesional use of nepidermin in patients with a class VI venous insufficiency diagnosis.
This study describes the results...
Vascular Disease Management