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Joanna Burgess-Stocks, BSN, RN, CWOCN

Mentorship of the Patient With a New Ostomy, the Role of Ostomy Nurses and Support Groups, and the Impact on Quality of Life
Upfront with Ostomies
This article shows, through one woman’s experience, how ostomy mentorship and support can lead to a positive postoperative outcome and quality of life. The following is the story of Annemarie Finn, a survivor of bladder cancer. She takes us...
This article shows, through one woman’s experience, how ostomy mentorship and support can lead to a positive postoperative outcome and quality of life. The following is the story of Annemarie Finn, a survivor of bladder cancer. She takes us...
This article shows, through one...
Wound Management & Prevention
Upfront With Ostomies
Patients with an ostomy continue to be an underserved population. There are between 725 000 and 1 million people in the United States living with an ostomy or continent diversion, and approximately 100 000 ostomy surgeries are performed each...
Patients with an ostomy continue to be an underserved population. There are between 725 000 and 1 million people in the United States living with an ostomy or continent diversion, and approximately 100 000 ostomy surgeries are performed each...
Patients with an ostomy continue...
Wound Management & Prevention