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Ersilia L. Anghel

Original Research
The investigators evaluated the safety and efficacy of this technique for complex wound closure.
The investigators evaluated the safety and efficacy of this technique for complex wound closure.
The investigators evaluated the...
Original Research
The aim of this study is to evaluate the change in bacterial amounts with sharp debridement in a clinical setting. Bacterial autofluorescence, quantitative cultures, semiquantitative cultures, and qualitative speciation were performed...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the change in bacterial amounts with sharp debridement in a clinical setting. Bacterial autofluorescence, quantitative cultures, semiquantitative cultures, and qualitative speciation were performed...
The aim of this study is to...
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SAWC Insights
Research presented in a recent poster abstract at SAWC Fall 2021 found that 75% of wounds healed when treatment followed a multidisciplinary surgical approach provided by a wound care team.
Research presented in a recent poster abstract at SAWC Fall 2021 found that 75% of wounds healed when treatment followed a multidisciplinary surgical approach provided by a wound care team.
Research presented in a recent...
Wound Care