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Audrey K. Moyer-Harris, BSN, RN, CWCN, MBA, CWS

As we begin 2016, it’s a good time for all healthcare providers to remind ourselves that we need to take necessary approaches to helping our patients understand how and why they need to take appropriate steps to take control of their diabetes...
As we begin 2016, it’s a good time for all healthcare providers to remind ourselves that we need to take necessary approaches to helping our patients understand how and why they need to take appropriate steps to take control of their diabetes...
As we begin 2016, it’s a good...
Today's Wound Clinic
September is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month. As we all know, wound healing begins with a “CSI” — clinical scientific identification — investigation. This means having an understanding of underlying etiologies. Are we looking...
September is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month. As we all know, wound healing begins with a “CSI” — clinical scientific identification — investigation. This means having an understanding of underlying etiologies. Are we looking...
September is Peripheral Artery...
Today's Wound Clinic
Limb Salvage
For wound care providers, saving a patient’s life often starts with preventing lower-limb amputation through appropriate screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular comorbidities. This article discusses how providers can collaborate...
For wound care providers, saving a patient’s life often starts with preventing lower-limb amputation through appropriate screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular comorbidities. This article discusses how providers can collaborate...
For wound care providers, saving...
Today's Wound Clinic
Through the use of the “Diabetes Method,” researchers are reporting what they claim to be a better understanding of peripheral arterial disease occurrence.  
Through the use of the “Diabetes Method,” researchers are reporting what they claim to be a better understanding of peripheral arterial disease occurrence.  
Through the use of the “Diabetes...
Today's Wound Clinic
OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE: Skin care injuries, also known as wounds, “pressure injuries”, “decubitus”, or “ulcers” are a growing silent epidemic impacting over 6.5 million people in the US alone....
Lower limb amputation surgical site dehiscence occurs when the healed tissue fails to develop sufficient strength to withstand forces such as shear or direct trauma. Research suggests tha...
Complications of diabetes mellitus type II involve numerous factors, including poor wound healing, chronic ulceration, and ensuing limb amputation. Impaired wound healing in diabetic pati...