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Annemari Cooley, MA, MBA

BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE: Two-hour turning schedule has been the standard of pressure ulcer (PrI) prevention since the 1850’s [1] despite lacking robust scientific evidence in long-ter...
BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE: Pressure injury root cause analyses (RCA) are complex investigations into patient history, diagnoses, nursing assessments and interventions. Patient repositio...
Background and significance: Prevention programs for hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) are multi-faceted and complex.[i] Pressure injury prevention (PIP) programs require hands-o...
Implementation of Individualized Turn Protocol for Pressure Injury Prevention in Post-Acute Care: A Quality Improvement Program
Conference Insights
A 6-month quality improvement pilot was initiated at 2 Northeast nursing homes to individualize turning schedules (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) based on resident risk factors and pressure injury history. A turn protocol selection tool was developed...
A 6-month quality improvement pilot was initiated at 2 Northeast nursing homes to individualize turning schedules (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) based on resident risk factors and pressure injury history. A turn protocol selection tool was developed...
A 6-month quality improvement...
Wound Care
INTRODUCTION  Repositioning documentation serves an important function for pressure injury root cause analysis[i], managing pressure injury (PrI) prevention programs and for litigation de...
INTRODUCTION  Repositioning documentation serves an important function for pressure injury root cause analysis[i], managing pressure injury (PrI) prevention programs and for litigation de...