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Jason Shafrin, PhD

Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, argues that clinician-directed performance improvement provides clear advantages, but payers are unlikely to be interested in this QI approach.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, argues that clinician-directed performance improvement provides clear advantages, but payers are unlikely to be interested in this QI approach.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, argues that...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, explains the difficulty of measuring pharmaceutical value and notes ways in which ICER and IVI are attempting to address this challenge.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, explains the difficulty of measuring pharmaceutical value and notes ways in which ICER and IVI are attempting to address this challenge.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, explains the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, points to a recent study that shows clinical and cost effectiveness of a drug may improve over time; he asserts that this finding should be of importance to policymakers and payers.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, points to a recent study that shows clinical and cost effectiveness of a drug may improve over time; he asserts that this finding should be of importance to policymakers and payers.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, points to a...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, asserts that patients and payers can justifiably complain about the rising prices of targeted therapies, but manufacturers can rightfully argue that the prices need to be this high to maintain revenues.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, asserts that patients and payers can justifiably complain about the rising prices of targeted therapies, but manufacturers can rightfully argue that the prices need to be this high to maintain revenues.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, asserts that...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses the effect quality impacts during COVID-19 will have on Medicare reimbursement to providers through 2024.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses the effect quality impacts during COVID-19 will have on Medicare reimbursement to providers through 2024.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, sheds light on a study that argues that patients are underrepresented in traditional cost-effectiveness analysis and that a patient-informed societal perspective is needed.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, sheds light on a study that argues that patients are underrepresented in traditional cost-effectiveness analysis and that a patient-informed societal perspective is needed.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, sheds light...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses the many cost aspects of successfully implementing electronic health records.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses the many cost aspects of successfully implementing electronic health records.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, discusses...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Healthcare Economist
Jason Shafrin, PhD, comments on how EHRs must improve to be able to balance physician quality of life with quality patient care.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, comments on how EHRs must improve to be able to balance physician quality of life with quality patient care.
Jason Shafrin, PhD, comments on...
Journal of Clinical Pathways