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Christine Miller, DPM, PhD, CWSP, FACCWS

Diabetes Watch
Diabetes remains a formidable opponent to modern health care, but seeing how much progress has been made historically offers hope for future therapeutic developments, not just for the condition in general, but for diabetic foot disease as...
Diabetes remains a formidable opponent to modern health care, but seeing how much progress has been made historically offers hope for future therapeutic developments, not just for the condition in general, but for diabetic foot disease as...
Diabetes remains a formidable...
Podiatry Today
History of Wound Care
Diabetes remains a formidable opponent to modern health care, but seeing how much progress has been made historically offers hope for future therapeutic developments, not just for the condition in general, but for diabetic foot disease as...
Diabetes remains a formidable opponent to modern health care, but seeing how much progress has been made historically offers hope for future therapeutic developments, not just for the condition in general, but for diabetic foot disease as...
Diabetes remains a formidable...
Today's Wound Clinic
Can podiatrists use their biomechanical skills to aid in the investigation of crime? This author explores the use of gait analysis in legal settings, performing a gait comparison report, and what the American Society of Forensic Podiatry does.
Can podiatrists use their biomechanical skills to aid in the investigation of crime? This author explores the use of gait analysis in legal settings, performing a gait comparison report, and what the American Society of Forensic Podiatry does.
Can podiatrists use their...
Podiatry Today
Wound Care Q&A
Although 2021 was not the first year in which the medical community experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, it certainly brought its own share of lessons, challenges and triumphs. In this column, the panelists reflect on the past year in their...
Although 2021 was not the first year in which the medical community experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, it certainly brought its own share of lessons, challenges and triumphs. In this column, the panelists reflect on the past year in their...
Although 2021 was not the first...
Podiatry Today
A Closer Look At The Complexity Of PAD Screening In Patients With Diabetes
Diabetes Watch
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a condition affecting approximately 8.5 million Americans over the age of 40 and more than 20 million people worldwide.1 Thiruvoipati has defined PAD as atherosclerotic disease of the lower extremity with...
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a condition affecting approximately 8.5 million Americans over the age of 40 and more than 20 million people worldwide.1 Thiruvoipati has defined PAD as atherosclerotic disease of the lower extremity with...
Peripheral arterial disease...
Podiatry Today