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Alton R. Johnson, Jr., DPM, DABPM, FACPM, FASPS, CWSP

When is stepping away the right step? Here the authors address how to know when workplace burnout requires action.
When is stepping away the right step? Here the authors address how to know when workplace burnout requires action.
When is stepping away the right...
Podiatry Today
Alton Johnson, DPM
Sponsored Video
What options might exist to assist clinicians in wound closure? In this video, Dr. Johnson outlines his award-winning case series he presented in a poster at SAWC Spring.
What options might exist to assist clinicians in wound closure? In this video, Dr. Johnson outlines his award-winning case series he presented in a poster at SAWC Spring.
What options might exist to...
Podiatry Today
Johnson Bhatia
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Bhatia each share their experience with a unique foot bandage, one of the Top 10 Innovations in Podiatry for 2022.
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Bhatia each share their experience with a unique foot bandage, one of the Top 10 Innovations in Podiatry for 2022.
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Bhatia each...
Podiatry Today
Johnson Brooks
These authors share how the multidisciplinary clinical concept can transfer to one's vision for a research team.
These authors share how the multidisciplinary clinical concept can transfer to one's vision for a research team.
These authors share how the...
Podiatry Today
Brennen O’Dell, DPM
Podcasts and similar electronic platforms are a wonderful way to learn about any subject or topic and should be encouraged as an adjunct to any physician’s usual way of continuing education.
Podcasts and similar electronic platforms are a wonderful way to learn about any subject or topic and should be encouraged as an adjunct to any physician’s usual way of continuing education.
Podcasts and similar electronic...
Podiatry Today
Alton Johnson, Jr., DPM
In previous articles, I have written about medicine having endless career opportunities. One opportunity in the medical field is that to evaluate and potential provide feedback on an array of products or medical devices, in hopes of...
In previous articles, I have written about medicine having endless career opportunities. One opportunity in the medical field is that to evaluate and potential provide feedback on an array of products or medical devices, in hopes of...
In previous articles, I have...
Podiatry Today
Vulnerable: Thoughts From An African- American Male Podiatric Physician
How is 2020 going for you? In today’s climate, this simple question evokes a multitude of emotions.  Recently, I find myself overwhelmed when it comes to the challenges our country currently battles, the first being COVID-19. In the...
How is 2020 going for you? In today’s climate, this simple question evokes a multitude of emotions.  Recently, I find myself overwhelmed when it comes to the challenges our country currently battles, the first being COVID-19. In the...
How is 2020 going for you? In...
Podiatry Today
How is 2020 going for you all? Many would probably overlook the question and its answer prior to the start of the new year. However, in today’s climate, such a simple question can evoke a multitude of emotions. So please take a minute and...
How is 2020 going for you all? Many would probably overlook the question and its answer prior to the start of the new year. However, in today’s climate, such a simple question can evoke a multitude of emotions. So please take a minute and...
How is 2020 going for you all?...
Podiatry Today
Diagnosing And Addressing Unilateral Ainhum In The Lower Extremity
Online Exclusive
While ainhum is a rare condition, it can have devastating and painful consequences. With this in mind, the authors discuss the progression of ainhum and keys to the diagnostic workup in the case of a patient who presented with significant...
While ainhum is a rare condition, it can have devastating and painful consequences. With this in mind, the authors discuss the progression of ainhum and keys to the diagnostic workup in the case of a patient who presented with significant...
While ainhum is a rare...
Podiatry Today
swoboda and johnson video
Through cases and discussion, Dr. Swoboda and Dr. Johnson demonstrate what achieving Wound Balance looks like and the benefits to the patient and care team.
Through cases and discussion, Dr. Swoboda and Dr. Johnson demonstrate what achieving Wound Balance looks like and the benefits to the patient and care team.
Through cases and discussion,...