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The Management of Wounds with Exposed Tendons and Bone with Innovative and Complementary Technologies: Ovine Extracellular Matrix and Gentian Violet/methylene Blue Antibacterial Foams

Background: The three main components of local wound management include : debridement, control of infection/inflammation, and moisture balance. This is also true in the resolution of complex wounds, where tendon/bone is exposed. These wounds can also present a major challenge due to the degree of damaged/missing tissue, where the void requires reconstruction and re-epithelialization. The lengthy process leaves the exposed wound susceptible to infection. Tendon and bone may be exposed in trauma wounds, stage IV pressure wounds, diabetic wounds, and infected surgical wounds. Infection of tendon or bone exposed wounds causes a state of inflammation, delaying the healing process. Prolonged inflammation can lead to wound chronicity; where inflammatory cells release high levels of matrix metalloproteinases that break down collagen, interrupting rebuilding and wound closure.

Purpose: The objective of this study was to describe the use of a treatment bundle that includes extracellular matrix (ECM) technology and GV/MB antibacterial foams.

Methods: The ECM technology is protected from microbial contamination, as well as being able to modulate wound proteases and build tissue. GV/MB antibacterial foam is a complementary technology which is non cytotoxic and does not inhibit growth factors. It’s unique capillary action continuously pulls harmful bacteria laden exudate, slough, and debris away from the wound. It also helps to flatten rolled wound edges facilitating re epithelialization. Patients were selected with wounds containing either partial or complete tendon exposure or exposed bone. Ovine ECM/Ag* was applied according to product instructions and covered with GV/MB antibacterial PVA foam ** to manage exudate during initial visits. Following a 2 week treatment with ECM/Ag, wound management was switched to non microbial ECM***.

Results: As the wound responded to treatment, and exudate levels decreased, all wounds were protected with GV/MB antibacterial PU foam****. Complete tendon coverage and resolution of wounds were without complication.


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