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A Holistic Approach to Wound Care Can Be Life Changing

Background: In a busy wound care setting, it is easy to only focus on the wound, instead of the whole person who has a wound. Wounds heal faster and wound care compliance is enhanced when a holistic approach to wound care is used, taking into consideration the multidimensional patient, and the social, psychological and lifestyle factors that may affect wound healing.

Case Study: Mr. S is a 57 year old patient who was referred by the emergency department to our wound center for what looked like a shark bite in his right lower leg. He sustained a 15 cm avulsion extending down to the periosteum in the right lower leg while under the influence of alcohol. He admitted to having an alcohol problem, and was clearly malnourished and noncompliant with medical care as evidenced by his uncontrolled hypertension.  Through a series of multifaceted wound care staff interventions over three months, his disheveled appearance turned into a clean, neatly dressed man. His self-esteem improved, his eye contact improved, and he stood taller. He quit drinking. He made an appointment with his PCP and his blood pressure normalized after getting back on prescription medication. His nutrition improved, and his wound healed completely despite early concerns about potential for lower limb amputation. He credited the wound staff for treating him “respectfully as a real person with a wound,” instead of a “drunk guy who had a big hole in his leg,” and credited us with getting his life turned back around.

Conclusions: The staff learned that to successfully heal someone’s complex wound, a holistic approach is paramount. By treating all of Mr. S’s health care and lifestyle concerns his wound was healed in better than anticipated time.