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Volume 67 Issue 9 - September 2021 ISSN 2640-5245


Upfront With Ostomies
Every 3 years, ostomates around the world celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. The European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as, “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights - Anytime and Anywhere!”
Every 3 years, ostomates around the world celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. The European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as, “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights - Anytime and Anywhere!”
Every 3 years, ostomates around...
Wound Management & Prevention


Editor's Opinion
Everyone who had the honor and pleasure of working with Barbara Braden experienced her thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity of spirit. She readily shared everything she knew to improve patient care. Since learning that Barbara was ill, I...
Everyone who had the honor and pleasure of working with Barbara Braden experienced her thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity of spirit. She readily shared everything she knew to improve patient care. Since learning that Barbara was ill, I...
Everyone who had the honor and...
Wound Management & Prevention
Innovative Moisture Management
The med-surg health care environment is constantly changing, driving complexity in care. The most recent findings from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services state that pressure injuries develop in nearly 2.5 million patients...
The med-surg health care environment is constantly changing, driving complexity in care. The most recent findings from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services state that pressure injuries develop in nearly 2.5 million patients...
The med-surg health care...
Wound Management & Prevention