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Empirical Studies

Venous Ulcers: Pathophysiology and Treatment Options—Part 2

May 2005

Part 1


    When dressings and medical management fail or when rapid healing is essential, skin grafting is an excellent alternative. The first recorded skin grafts were performed in India and Egypt. More recently, skin grafting has been used to treat recalcitrant venous leg ulcers as well as large or slow-healing wounds. Currently, several types of grafts are available for venous ulcers. These grafts can be categorized based on the source of the donor tissue, the thickness of the donor tissue, and whether the graft is cultured in a laboratory.2

    Grafts are categorized as autografts or allografts depending on the source of the donor tissue. Autografts are grafts taken from the patient’s own skin, usually from the thigh, abdomen, or buttocks.2 Autologous skin grafts are not rejected, and donor tissue is usually readily available.

    Allografts are taken from the skin of another person; of these, cadaveric allografts are the most commonly used.102 These grafts must be changed frequently because of rejection — periodic removal of the allografts debrides the wound bed. In addition, allografts promote healing and reduce the possibility of surface infection. These grafts are chemically treated to prevent bacterial contamination, but the possibility of viral contamination exists.103

    Grafts also may be categorized as either full- or partial- (split) thickness.2 Full-thickness skin grafts (FTSG) consist of all the epidermis and all the dermis; split-thickness skin grafts (STSG) contain all the epidermis and part of the dermis. Compared to STSG, FTSG are thicker, more durable, prevent wound contracture, and offer better cosmetic results. They make poorer grafts for leg ulcers because more tissue is necessary to re-vascularize, which decreases the graft’s chance for survival.

    Conversely, split-thickness skin grafts (STSG) require less tissue to re-vascularize and, therefore, the chance for graft survival is greater.2 Types of STSG include pinch grafts, punch grafts, and shave grafts, which are harvested freehand, as well as dermatome-harvested grafts. The advantage of using a dermatome is the production of uniformly sized grafts.104

    Split-thickness skin grafts are typically expanded via a meshing technique (see Figures 5 and 6).2,105 By creating interstices in the original graft, the graft’s size may be expanded by 1.5 to nine times the original size; therefore, less tissue needs to be harvested and larger areas can be treated. These interstices also allow blood and exudates to escape from the wound; thus, improving graft survival. Split-thickness skin grafts adhere well to the graft bed and give reasonable cosmetic results.106,107

    Numerous reports cite use of STSG for venous ulcers. Millard et al108 grafted 41 venous ulcers with pinch skin grafts; 74% of the ulcers healed after grafting. The authors proposed that this approach is a simple, inexpensive, and effective way to treat ulcers, which also offers long-term benefits. Ahnlide et al’s109 study of pinch grafting for venous ulcers also showed healing, although at a lower rate than Millard’s study.


    In Kirsner et al’s110 study of meshed STSG for various lower extremity ulcers, a greater than 90% graft take and 70% complete ulcer healing was achieved in hospitalized patients. After a mean outpatient follow-up of 11 months, 52% of the grafts remained healed and 26% exhibited partial breakdown. Schmeller et al111 reported using meshed STSG after debriding the ulcer site and surrounding lipodermatosclerotic skin to fascia with a Shink dermatome. After 1 week post graft, an 80% success rate was reported; after 3 months, 79%; and long-term success (an average of 32 months for 12 of the 13 ulcers and 20 months for 11 of the 13 ulcers) was 88%. In addition to healing, improvement in laser Doppler flow and transcapillary and intracutaneous O2 tension was noted at 3 months. Randomized controlled trials proving the efficacy of autologous skin grafts have not been undertaken.

    Cultured grafts. Cultured grafts are created from cells that are harvested, cultured, and expanded in a laboratory.67 Limited availability of donor tissue and the need for repeated grafting procedures fostered the development of cultured grafts. It usually takes about 3 weeks to produce cultured grafts. If the patient’s own cells are used, the graft is referred to as a cultured autograft. Alternatively, if the donor cells are obtained from another individual, the graft is termed a cultured allograft. Using cultured epidermal autografts (CEA) for the treatment of leg ulcers and burns, Limova et al112 reported 80% of recalcitrant venous ulcers healed in 5.7 weeks. Hefton et al113 also reported rapid healing, relief from pain, and permanent covering of venous ulcers with the use of CEAs. In this study, four of the six ulcers treated healed in 21 to 35 days and three of those four ulcers remained healed for 2 years; the other one recurred in 2 months.

    Cultured epidermal allografts have been used as a temporary covering for both acute and chronic wounds.114 In a study by Leigh et al,115 51 patients with either venous or rheumatoid ulcers previously unresponsive to STSG were treated with fresh cultured epidermal allografts. After placement, healing occurred from the previously indolent edges. Because of the difficulties in coordinating the use of fresh allografts, Bolivar-Flores et al116 sought to determine the feasibility and efficacy of using frozen cultured epidermal allografts for venous ulcers. Ten patients were treated with frozen cultured allografts that were thawed immediately before use and applied every 2 weeks until complete healing was achieved. All wounds healed within 31 weeks. Teepe et al117 treated 43 patients with 47 venous ulcers in a randomized, controlled trial comparing cryopreserved cultured epidermal allografts with compression to hydrocolloid dressings with compression. No significant difference was noted in percentage of healing or decrease in pain. Interestingly, the 27 ulcers that did not heal were given the alternative treatment and the results showed a higher percentage of healing in the ulcers treated first with the hydrocolloid dressing and then with the allografts. It was postulated that hydrocolloid dressings may improve the wound bed, allowing improved allograft take.

    Several years ago, the FDA approved the use of Apligraf® (Graftksin, Organogenesis, Canton, Mass.), a cultured, bilayered skin equivalent, for the treatment of venous ulcers (see Figure 7).18 This off-the-shelf skin product contains living epidermal cells (keratinocytes) and dermal cells (fibroblasts) derived from neonatal foreskin. The fibroblasts are seeded in a bovine type 1 collagen matrix. The product is thought to stimulate healing through growth factor and cytokine replacement, providing a moist environment and immediate wound coverage. However, Phillips et al118 demonstrated that the skin equivalent does not permanently remain on the wound. In a series of patients treated for venous leg ulcers with this skin equivalent, the product’s DNA was undetectable by polymerase chain reaction by 8 weeks.

    The bilayered skin equivalent has been shown to be superior to compression therapy for recalcitrant venous ulcers. In a controlled clinical trial published by Falanga et al,67,119 patients with venous ulcers received either compression or compression plus the bilayered skin equivalent. A greater percentage of patients healed with the skin equivalent (63% versus 49%) and in less time (61 versus 181 days). Among venous ulcer patients, those with refractory wounds (defined as wound duration greater than 1 year), the skin equivalent was especially effective with a significantly higher complete closure rate when used with compression than compression alone (47% versus 19%).120 Also, patients showed significantly higher closure rates at all points in the study (6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months). Thus, the authors determined that this skin equivalent was 60% more effective at wound closure at any time point; after 6 months, wounds were twice as likely to completely close. Brem et al121 in an uncontrolled study demonstrated that the use of skin equivalent plus compression led to complete closure of long-standing ulcers 70% of the time. While the bilayered skin equivalent’s efficacy has been shown in various studies, its cost has limited its use. However, Kirsner et al122 have demonstrated cost benefits for use with refractory venous ulcers compared to the historical use of Unna boots.

    Orcel® (Ortec International, New York, NY) is a bilayered cellular matrix consisting of a type I bovine collagen sponge onto which human allogeneic keratinocytes and fibroblasts are seeded.123 The fibroblasts are grown on the porous side, and the keratinocytes are grown on the non-porous side of the sponge. These allogeneic cells are cultured from neonatal foreskin. The cellular matrix product contains an absorbable biocompatible matrix that provides temporary protection and a favorable environment for host cell migration. It provides a number of growth factors, such as FGF1, GMCSF, MCSF, IL1a and b, IL6, KGF1, PDGF-AB, TFG alpha and beta, VEGF, and HGF. The cultured skin is devoid of Langerhan’s cells, melanocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, vessels, or follicles. A 12-week, controlled phase III study124 using this product in the treatment of hard-to-heal venous leg ulcers demonstrated a 64% improvement compared to standard care using compression therapy for those ulcers. Among participants, 59% treated with the cellular matrix product achieved complete closure, while only 36% of patients treated with standard care achieved complete closure.

    Optimizing graft success. Grafts may fail for several reasons. Compliance with dressing changes, leg elevation, and compression stockings will help prevent graft failure.2,19,110 Other reasons for failure include underlying comorbid factors such as diabetes mellitus, protein malnutrition, and vitamin C deficiency. A deficit of local fibrin deposits may inhibit graft adherence.2 Fibrinolytic abnormalities may lead to microthrombi deposition within the dermal vessels, resulting in graft failure. Medications such as steroids, chemotherapeutics, anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, and aspirin also may interfere with graft survival, as may other factors such as alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and local viral infections, although these remain to be studied in a rigorous fashion.


    Sclerotherapy, or the injection of a sclerosing agent into the vein, has been used not only for venous ulcers but also varicose veins and esophageal varices. In a case series, Takeda et al125 reported that three out of 11 patients with venous ulcers treated with sclerotherapy healed by 1 month after treatment, while seven out of 11 healed within 2 months. Diagnosing incompetent perforators is critical when healing venous ulcers with this procedure. The effectiveness of sclerotherapy is limited because many incompetent perforators are not identified.

    Queral et al126 performed a study comparing patients treated with Unna boots and sclerotherapy with Sotradecol® (Elkin-Sinn Inc., St. Davids, Pa.) to patients treated only with Unna boots. Portable continuous wave Doppler and manual palpation were used to detect the incompetent channels. Complete healing was significantly faster with the combination of Unna boots and sclerotherapy (4.3 versus 6.1 weeks, P <0.05).

Subfascial Endosdopic Perforator Surgery

    In many patients with venous disease, abnormal perforating veins are present. Surgical approaches have been created to correct these veins. In the past, ligation of these veins was accomplished via a long open incision down the leg and through the indurated skin.127,128 Incompetent veins were ligated with electrocoagulation or metal clips and scissor division.127 Pre-operative duplex scanning is essential to diagnosis obstruction and incompetence in the venous system.129 Also, thromboembolism prophylaxis is necessary.

    More recently, subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) has been suggested as an alternative to both treat and prevent venous ulcers by addressing perforating veins. Several series have reported rapid healing, diminished morbidity, and better cosmetic results when compared to the open procedure.129 In a case series study conducted by Rhodes et al,130 SEPS was shown to improve calf muscle pump activity, reduce venous incompetence, and help heal all active ulcers. Kolvenbach et al131 in a case series demonstrated improvement in the clinical parameters of venous insufficiency in 86% of the ulcers studied. Minor complications after surgery, such as hematomas or cellulites, were reported in 21% of participants. Gloviczki et al132 suggested that ablation of superficial reflux and deep venous obstruction with SEPS improves healing. Lee et al129 combined SEPS with saphenous vein ligation and reported that 58% of ulcers healed in 6 weeks, with only 11% infection rate post surgery. Recently, Proebstle et al133 published the findings in a series of patients using tumescent anesthesia instead of general anesthesia in 67 legs from 51 patients — 79% of legs were treated successfully with only tumescent anesthesia consisting of prilocaine 200 mg, suprarenine 1 mg, and sodium bicarbonate 840 mg in 1,000-mL 0.9% saline. A Klein pump was used to inject the anesthesia from below the knee to above the ankle in the medial leg; 20 minutes elapsed between placement of the anesthesia and the start of the procedure. However, five patients required additional intravenous analgesia (tramadol 100 mg with trifluoperazine 10 mg or midazolam 2 mg with piritramid 2 mg) and the procedure had to be stopped in four other patients due to extreme pain. They attributed this need for additional anesthesia to excess subcutaneous fat and increased body mass index. Also, administering tumescent anesthesia to patients with lipodermatosclerosis was difficult because of the extensive induration present. In the authors’ opinion, these patients would best be served with the use of general anesthesia. Tumescent anesthesia was effective in the vast majority of patients and its use reduced the risk of DVT, allowed increased mobility post surgery, and did not carry the risks associated with general anesthesia.

    However, in some cases, ulcers recur, suggesting SEPS may be a treatment but not a cure for venous insufficiency. Rhodes et al134 reported that ulcer recurrence was associated with venous outflow obstruction. Multilevel deep venous reflux and size of the ulcer (>2 cm) were found to delay healing. Bianchi et al135 showed that ulcer recurrence after SEPS was associated with prior trauma to the area and the presence of greater saphenous vein reflux and deep venous obstruction. However, randomized trails have not been performed.

Recombinant Growth Factors

    It is believed that venous ulcers do not heal because the environment of the wound bed is disturbed due to the long-standing effects of CVI.136 Therefore, artificial stimuli in the form of exogenous growth factors have been used on these ulcers.

    Platelet-derived wound healing factor. Reutter et al136 conducted a controlled study comparing the effects of topical platelet-derived wound healing factor (PDWHF) to placebo cream. The platelet-derived wound healing factor did not yield any significant clinical advantage. However, capillary density and transcutaneous oxygen measurement increased in the PDWHF ulcers, suggesting PDWHF has neoangiogenic abilities.

    Coerper et al137 evaluated PDWHF on recalcitrant venous ulcers greater than 6 months’ duration and showed higher healing rates than with placebo cream. The overall healing rate was 77%. Other platelet products, such as platelet releasate, platelet lysate, and autologous cryopreserved platelets, have been used topically to treat patients with venous ulcers; however, all failed to demonstrate significant healing rates when compared to placebo.138-140

    Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has been used successfully in treating venous ulcers. Jaschke et al141 reported complete healing in 90.4% of ulcers treated with topical GM-CSF and compression dressings in an uncontrolled study. Mean healing time was 19 weeks without significant side effects. After 40 weeks, no recurrence of the healed ulcers was noted. Borbolla-Escoboza et al142 performed an open study involving the single weekly perilesional injection of 300 mcg of GM-CSF into the ulcer bed. After 4 weeks, eight out of 10 ulcers had healed and two out of 10 ulcers decreased 21% in size. Only one patient reported moderate pain with the injections. Da Costa et al143 compared perilesional injection of 200 mcg of GM-CSF, perilesional injection of 400 mcg of GM-CSF, and placebo injection. Each patient received four perilesional injections each week for 4 weeks or until the ulcer had healed. Of the ulcers treated with 400 mcg, 61% were healed, compared to 57% of the ulcers treated with 200 mcg dose and 19% of the ulcers treated with the placebo. After 6 months, no recurrence was noted in ulcers that had healed.

    Human keratinocyte growth factor. Human keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has been shown to promote proliferation and migration of keratinocytes and stimulate granulation tissue formation by the chemoattraction of fibroblasts.144 Robson et al144 published their findings from a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the topical application of HKGF (Repifermin®, Human Genome Sciences, Rockville, Md.) at 20 µg/cm2 plus compression, HKGF 60 µg/cm2 plus compression, and placebo plus compression. They found more patients achieved 75% closure with HKGF, especially those wound that were ≤15 cm2 or ≤18 months’ duration. Also, patients treated with placebo experienced more bacterial contaminations and more pain. However, a subsequent larger trial did not demonstrate improved healing.

    Human epidermal growth factor. Human epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been shown to enhance wound healing in donor sites of patients who had STSG harvested.145 Falanga et al146 reported on 44 patients with venous ulcers treated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing EGF plus compression to placebo plus compression. They found no significant difference in healing between the two groups (35% versus 11%). However, a greater trend toward healing and a greater decrease in size of the ulcers in the HEGF treated group were noted.

Novel Therapies

    Wound healing is a complex process involving the interactions of various cell types, cytokines, and growth factors. One cell of particular importance is the keratinocyte, which when deficient leads to delayed healing. Cultured keratinocyte grafts, which were previously discussed, are effective but may be difficult to obtain and use. Because the outer root sheath of anagen scalp hairs contain keratinocytes with high proliferative capacity and are easy to procure, Limat et al147 cultured these scalp hairs with autologous serum and coated them with human dermal fibroblasts to create epidermal equivalents (EE). Using a case series study design, these EE were applied to 50 leg ulcers, both venous and venous/arterial, most of which had failed prior autologous split-thickness skin grafting. After 8 weeks, 70% of the wounds were re-epithelialized and 32% were completely healed. Patients also noted a significant relief of their pain following the placement of EE.

    Chronic wounds have shown many changes characteristic of cellular senescence, which may indicate a deficiency of stem cells for wound repair. Because bone marrow contains stem cells capable of differentiating into non-hematopoetic tissue important to organ repair and wound healing, Badiavas et al148 studied the use of bone marrow cell grafting in acutely wounded mice. Next, they grafted autologous bone marrow cells onto four patients with chronic wounds of greater than 1-year duration that had failed bioengineered skin and autologous STSGs.149 All patients healed with no recurrence.


    Chronic venous ulcers are a common and debilitating condition afflicting a significant portion of the population. They are difficult to treat. Standard therapy includes compression therapy with or without oral medication. Several successful systemic treatments have been reported in the literature, including pentoxifylline, aspirin, and micronized purified flavenoids. In refractory cases, skin grafts and other surgical approaches to correcting venous disease are therapeutic alternatives. Both autologous split-thickness skin grafts and cultured skin grafts have shown success in healing venous ulcers. The latter (tissue-engineered skin) has been found in randomized trials to be superior to compression alone. Other surgical options to consider in patients with venous ulcers are sclerotherapy and subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery. Also, in some instances topical growth factors have been effective in healing venous ulcers — the rationale is that chronic wounds have been shown to possess diminished amounts of “normal” growth factors compared with acute wounds. Finally, recent reports using autologous scalp hairs to create epidermal equivalents and the use of bone marrow grafting to supply stem cells to the wound bed offer intriguing future research and therapeutic possibilities.

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