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From the Top: The State of the AAWC

  The annual AAWC issue of OWM contains not only interesting articles, but also updates on the AAWC’s various projects and programs. We hope you enjoy reading about all that our Association continues to do for wound care as a specialty and as a collaborative community. Of special note: at this time, the AAWC’s increased focus is on providing patients and their caregivers a unified voice on government and regulatory issues, additional peer-to-peer support, health literacy, and more tailored benefits.

  Much of the last year was spent on new strategies to meet our goal to build a collaborative community to facilitate optimal care for patients as part of a 5-year plan. Some activities include revamping our website, streamlining our committees, increasing membership benefits, and building staff infrastructure — all to ensure the AAWC continues as the leader in interdisciplinary wound care and tissue preservation.

  After an in-depth search for the ideal candidate, Karen Strauss was hired as a project manager and soon after began work on our Patient/Caregiver Advocacy Campaign and the enhancement of the AAWC website (to debut soon). Karen also will manage the newly developed Corporate Advisory Panel, all of which you will read more about within this issue.

  The economy and how it is affecting the professional associations to which we belong is at the top concern for many of us. The AAWC is financially strong and will continue to be your one-stop resource for education and information. We have taken steps over the years to ensure we’d have reserve funds to protect AAWC in the type of economic environment we are experiencing today. However, we still rely heavily on membership dues. If you are struggling to decide which wound care organization to join, please know the best of the best people and resources are right here, and when you compare our low dues rates with the valuable benefits we offer, the choice becomes very clear.

  On behalf of the AAWC Board of Directors, I thank you for your commitment to wound care and your continued membership in AAWC. If you are not currently a member, our door is always open to you. Learn what we are all about. It’s worth every penny of our modest dues to receive so many benefits — including the priceless networking, education, information, and leadership opportunities that have grown and continue to sustain our programs and initiatives.

  With warmest regards and best wishes for much success and happiness today and always,
Tina Thomas
Executive Director


