SAWC Highlights
The 18th Annual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care & 15th Medical Research Forum on Wound Repair April 21–24, 2005, San Diego Convention Center San Diego, California
In 1988, a group of ET nurses in California embarked on a mission to provide an interdisciplinary forum on wound care and the SAWC was born. Now the premier wound care conference in the nation, the SAWC boasts an attendance of approximately 2,000 multidisciplinary wound care practitioners from around the world. The magnificent city of San Diego, with its near-perfect weather, numerous accessible attractions, and bright, easy-to-navigate convention center set the stage for the stimulating exchange of information. Cutting-edge research melded with evidence-based, best practice protocols; knowledge-packed session hours meshed with relaxing moments spent networking, re-energizing, and taking in the views. Never was “coming home” to California more special.