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Special to OWM: The Genesis of the 1st International Symposium on Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW) and The International Society of Pediatric Wound Care

  To view and to treat pediatric patients with wounds as though they are small adults is to ignore the very essence of vulnerability, potential for congenital malformations, and tenacious physiologic complexities that make these patients unique. The integumentary, physiology, psychomotor, cognitive, and psychoemotional developmental continuum that encompasses “pediatrics” from prematurity to late adolescence underscores this population’s unique characteristics, the breadth of knowledge and sensitivity required of clinicians, and the armamentarium of treatment approaches needed.

  The world of healthcare can be a daunting environment for adults, stripping them of control and invoking fear and feelings of helplessness. Imagine the infused emotions of parents who must entrust their wounded child into the world of medical technology. As healthcare professionals, we must impart to frightened families and to their wounded child our sensitivity and humanity with finesse, while also possessing technological skill. But how prepared are we to deliver evidence-based care to wounds of varying etiologies? Most of our wound care practices are based on an adult model of care; to take care of our younger patients, we must compromise with offlabel use of adult products. Even from an epidemiological standpoint, chronic wounds such as pressure ulcers are inadequately captured, because the adult data collection tools and methodologies utilized ignore the >50% occurrence of medical device-related injuries common to the population. Independent of race, ethnicity, and social class, acute and chronic wounds, as well as wounds related to diseases, continue to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children worldwide.

  In recent years, Bambino Gesu’ Children’s Hospital in Rome, Italy witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of children admitted with wounds. Pressure ulcers, medical device-related injuries, and trauma cases have grown exponentially. In response to this rising volume and obvious need for specialized pediatric wound care services, the first Italian Wound Care Pediatric Surgical Center was created. This facility provided the enthusiastic impetus for the creation of the 1st International Symposium on Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW) held in Rome, Italy. This pediatric wound care-focused symposium convened multidisciplinary world leaders in pediatric wound care; pediatric plastic, hand, burn, orthopedic, podiatric, and general surgery; basic science; clinical research; dermatology; nursing; telemedicine; palliative care; pain management; nutrition; infectious diseases; pharmacology; and academia for an historic 2-and-a-half day scientific event. This memorable conference, held at the Angelicum Congress Center, Pontificia Universitas San Tommaso D’Aquino, October 27-29, 2011, boasted an attendance of 425 attendees representing 23 countries. Ninety presentations were delivered by invited speakers, along with 20 oral abstracts and 20 scientific posters. This scientific event and the formation of the International Society of Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW) were organized by three visionary colleagues and friends: Drs. Guido Ciprandi, Marco Romanelli, and Corrado Maria Durante. The sessions and oral and poster abstracts that follow represent the diversity of topics and concerns in this small but vital niche in healthcare.

  The goals of the ISPeW are to: 1) set global standards for the assessment and treatment of pediatric wounds of varying etiologies, 2) provide a forum for international, interprofessional collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, and industry leaders dedicated to the care of pediatric wounds, 3) promote and support clinical research focused on the prevention, assessment and treatment of pediatric wounds, 4) collaborate with wound care organizations worldwide on pediatric wound care issues, and 5) provide evidence-based pediatric wound care education to healthcare professionals, parents, and lay caregivers. The ISPeW Board includes: President Guido Ciprandi, MD (Italy); Vice President Marco Romanelli, MD (Italy); Secretary General, Corrado Maria Durante, MD (Italy); Treasurer Martin Meuli, MD (Switzerland); and Recorder, Mona Mylene Baharestani, PhD, ANP, CWON, CWS (US) and Counselors: Sadanori Akita, MD (Japan); Martha Curley, PhD, RN, FAAN (US); Giorgi La Scala, MD (Switzerland); John Macdonald, MD (US); Elia Ricci, MD (Italy); Luc Teot, MD (France); and Jane Willock, RGN, RSCN, PGDipEd, MSc (UK). The ISPeW website,, and membership is open to healthcare professionals with an attestable interest in pediatric wound care.

  Working together we can elevate the standard of wound care delivered to vulnerable pediatric patients through research; development of age-appropriate, skin-safe, and effective products; education ;and evidence-based practice guidelines. The ISPeW Board looks forward to seeing you at the 2nd International Symposium on Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW) in 2013 in Las Vegas, NV.

2011 First Internation Symposium on Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW)

October 27-29, 2011 Rome, Italy

Scientific Program (full Abstracts are available at

Wound Care First Means Wound Prevention Chairs: Michael Clark, Cardiff, UK; John Macdonald, FL, US; Maurizo Muscaritoli, Rome, Italy
Nutritional Aspects in the Management of Skin Ulcer  M. Muscaritoli, G. Gioia, M. Esposito, Rome, Italy

Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Children: Lessons Learned   Sandy Quigley, Massachusetts, US

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: The Role of Nutrition   G. Benati, MS. Bertone, Pisa, Italy

Searching Solutions for Avoiding and Diminishing the Effect of Local Pressure in Children   Pablo Garcia-Molina, Evelyn Balaguer-López, Cristina Quesada-Ramos, Valencia, Spain

Caregiver Training: Telemedicine and Optimal Organization Means Better and Happier Healing   Sergio Pillon, Mara Sbaffi, Rome, Italy

Risk-Assessment Scales: Comparing the Performance of Different Tools Chairs: Martha AQ Curley, Pennsylvania, US; Jane Willock, Pontypridd-Cardiff, UK; Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

Skin and Risks in Paediatrics: Analysis of a Hard Problem   Massimo Fornaciari, Rome, Italy

The Braden Q Scale Today   Martha A.Q. Curley, Pennsylvania, US

Risk Assessment Scales: Comparing the Performance of Different Tools. The Glamorgan Scale   Jane Willock, Pontypridd-Cardiff, Wales, UK

Is the “risk” a well-known entity? An AISLeC Multicentric Study   Emanuele Bascelli, Angela Peghetti, Bologna, Italy

Pressure Ulcers: Key Words and Key Notes Chairs: Sandy Quigley, Massachusetts, US; Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

Pressure Ulcers in Premature Infants and Neonates   Mona M. Baharestani, Tennessee, US

Pressure Ulcer Data Collection and Improvement in Patient Safety. Benchmark for Paediatric Patients   Michael Clark, Birmingham City, UK

Prevention of Conventional Pressure Ulcers Over Bony Prominences in Pediatric Patients   Ann Marie Nie, Pat Schafer, Diana Bailey, Mary Stange, Mary Ann Groeschen, Ohio, US

Spinal Injury Patients Chairs: Laura Tosi, Washington, DC, US; Martin Meuli, Zurich, Switzerland; Mario De Gennaro, Rome, Italy

Pediatric Spinal Cord Lesion   Giovanni Mosiello, Maria Paola Pascali, Mario De Gennaro, Paolo Palma, Carlo Efisio Marras, Maria Letizia Salsano, Enrico Castelli, Rome, Italy

Wound Care Challenges in Children and Adults with Spina Bifida: An Open-Cohort Study   Katherine Ottolini, Amy B. Harris, June K. Amling, Ann M. Kennelly, Leslie A. Phillips, Laurel L. Tosi, Washington, DC

Sacral Ulcers in Childhood: Prevention and Treatment   Claudio Pilati, Rome, Italy

Spinal Injury Child: From Research to Clinic   Martin Meuli, Zurich, Switzerland

Burns: Stepping Stones Chairs: Clemens Schiestl, Zurich, Switzerland; Paolo Palombo, Rome, Italy; Corrado M. Durante, Rome, Italy

Quality of Pediatric Burn Scars is Improved by Early Administration of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor   Sadanor Akita, Nagasaki, Japan

The Surgical Approach to the Burned Child in the Emergency Period   Paolo Palombo, Rome, Italy

Burns in Children: Emergency and Surgical Checklist   S. Pancani, E. Pinzauti, F. D’Asta, A. Messineo, Florence, Italy

Treatment of Burns in Children with Collagen Dressings   Terry Treadwell, Alabama, US

Topical Therapy for Wound Lesions Chairs: Severin Laeuchli, Zurich, Switzerland; Luc Teot, Monpellier, France

Topical Wound Repair: From Negative Pressure Therapy to Erytropoietin   Luc Teot, Montpellier, France

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment of Superficial Soft Tissue Lesions in Children   E. Cesca, G. Garetto, E. Frascella, S. Cesaro, P. Dall’Igna, G. Cecchetto, Padua, Italy

Device-related Pressure Ulcers in Pediatric Patients: Image Analysis and Strategies for Prevention   Ann Marie Nie, Marty Visscher, Pat Schaffer, Christine Myers, Lisa Mack, Thomas Cahill, Ohio, US

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Standpoints in Childhood Chairs: Mona M. Baharestani, Tennesse, US; Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Children   Mona M. Baharestani, Tennessee, US

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Pediatric Age   Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

Principles and Applications of VAC Instill in Childhood   Franco Bassetto, Padua, Italy

Vacuum Drainage in the Management of Complicated Abdominal Wound Dehiscence in Children   Satu-Liisa Pauniaho, Seinajoki, Finland

Deep Infections in Neuromuscular Scoliosis: A NPWT Approach   Luuk WL de Klerk, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Infected Skin Lesions: The Real Broad-Spectrum Challenge Chairs: Jakie Denyer, London, UK; Steven Percival, Cheshire, UK

Technique Protocol for Microbiological Sampling of Infected Pressure Ulcers   Michaela Carletti, Rome, Italy

Safe Topical Antimicrobial Use in Paediatric Wounds   Jackie Denyer, London, UK T

he Light-Scattering Microbiological Analysis: New Perspectives in Rapid and Accurate Assessment of Infected Wounds   Giovina Di Felice, Palidoro-Rome, Italy

Wound Cleansing in a Modern Era   Steven L. Percival, Manchester, UK

Skin Substitutes: Searching the Best One… Chairs: Sadanori Akita, Nagasaki, Japan; Terry Treadwell, Alabama, US; Valerio Cervelli, Rome, Italy

Skin Substitutes: An Overview   Severin Laeuchli, Zürich, Switzerland

Current and Upcoming Applications of Biomatrices and Biological Materials to Pediatric Wounds   Gerit Mulder, California, US

Tissue-engineered Skin in Infants and Children   Terry Treadwell, Montgomery, AL

Scar Wars— Use of Dermal Templates in Reconstruction Surgery After Burn Injuries in Children   Clemens Schiestl, Zurich, Switzerland

Skin Substitutes, Advanced Dressings, and the Conservative Management of Skin Lesions in Children   S. Pancani, E. Pinzauti, F. D’Asta, A. Messineo, Florence, Italy

Tissue Repair, Regeneration, and Scarring Chairs: Gerit Mulder, California, US; Vincenzo Jasonni, Genova, Italy

Wound Healing and Blastema Formulation in Regenerating Digit Tips   Franco Bassetto, Padua, Italy

Tissue Repair and Regeneration in Foetal and Paediatric Surgery: Focus on Research   Amulya K. Saxena, Graz, Austria

Pathologic Scars: An Overview of Surgical Therapies   Luc Teot, Montpellier, France

Tissue-engineered Skin Substitutes for Pediatric Ages   Marin Meuli, Zurich, Switzerland

Gauntlets… Everything but Medieval Gloves Chairs: Rytis Rimdelka, Kaunas, Lithuania; Bicolo Scuderi, Rome, Italy

Surgical Treatment of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa   Rytis Rimdeika, Kaunas, Lithuania

IV Infiltration Injuries in Pediatric Patients   Terry Treadwell, Alabama, US E

xtravasation in Prematures and Neonates: The Surgical Point of View   Alessandro Scalise, Matteo Torresetti, D. Langella, Giovanni Di Benedetto, Luca Grassetti, Ancona, Italy

Infected Burns   Luc Teot, Montpellier, France

Advanced Biological Therapies: Fact Not Fantasy Chairs: Luca Buzzonetti, Rome, Italy; Amulya Saxena, Graz, Austria

Pediatric Corneal Ulcers: State of the Art   Luca Buzzonetti, Rome, Italy

Nerve Growth Factor: Effects on Human Corneal and Skin Ulcers   Luigi Aloe, Alessandro Lambiase, Rome, Italy

A Human Recombinant Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (rMnSOD): A Role in the Prevention and Care of Pressure Ulcers   A. Borelli, A. Schiattarella, R. Mancini, Naples, Italy

Role of Neurologic System in Tissue Repair — Stochastic Resonance and Electric Stimulation   Elia Ricci, Turin, Italy

The Mission: A Painless Hospital Chairs: Patricia Price, Cardiff, UK; Nicola Pirozzi, Rome, Italy; Sylvie Meaume, Paris, France

The Wound Pain Management Model   Patricia Price, Cardiff, UK; Marcello Marri, Gesù, Italy

Ariadne’s Thread: Painkilling   Marcello Marri, Rome, Italy

The Mission: A Painless (and other wound care environments) Hospital   Joan-Enric Torra i Bou, Barcelona, Spain

Negative Pressure Wound Treatment Reduces Pain and Fear in Injured Children Because of Lower-Frequency of Dressing Change   Fujioka Masaki, Hayashida Kenji, Murakami Chikako, Koga Yasushi, Ohmura, Japan

Pediatric Hand Wounds: How to Clear Hurdles Chairs: Antonio Landi, Modena, Italy; Ritys Rimdeika, Kaunas, Lithuania

Hand Burns   E. Caleffi, A. di Castri, A. Marchesini, L. Quarta, E. Raposio, Parma, Italy

Hand: Congenital Malformations: New Frontiers   A. Landi, M.C. Gagliano, A. Leti Acciaro, A. Lando, Modena, Italy

Biotechnologies: From Research to Clinics   Michele De Luca, Francesca Corradini, Modena, Italy

Children in Disaster and War: A Global Approach Chairs: John M, Macdonald, Florida, US; Corrado M. Durante, Rome, Italy

Military Health and Children’s Hope: The Goal is Better Quality of Life   Stefano Astorino, Rome, Italy

Earthquake in Haiti — Despair to Hope. The Wound Care World Responds   John M. Macdonald, Florida, US

Plastic Procedures in Burn Patients: What We Can Do in a Field Hospital   Corrado Maria Durante, Rome, Italy

Combat Wounds in Children   William JC van Niekerk, Birmingham, UK

Atypical Wounds in Pediatric Dermatology Chairs: Robert S. Kirsner, Florida, US; Marco Romanelli, Pisa, Italy

Atypical Wounds: Connective Tissue Disease   Robert Kirsner, Miami ,FL

Pediatric Wounds in Genodermatosis   M. Romanelli, V. Dini, S. Barbanera, Pisa, Italy

Wounds in Paediatric Vascular Malformations   Sara D’Epiro, Simona Giancristoforo, Monica Salvi, Laura Macaluso, Antonio Richetta Giovanni, Rome, Italy

Ostomy: A Useful Device Often-times Complicated Chairs: Laurie McNichol, North Carolina, US; Massimo Rivosecchi, Rome, Italy

Digestive Ostomy: The Wide Spectrum of Complications   Laurie McNichol, North Carolina, US

Prevention and Management of Peristomal Skin Disorders in Children   Rosine van den Bulck, Brussels, Belgium

Complicated and Infected Peristomal DeepTissues in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: How to Manage?   Emanuela Ceriati, Paola Marchetti, Massimo Rivosecchi and Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

How to Avoid Incontinence-related Wounds with the Malone Procedure   B. Crispin, Brussels, Belgium

Pressure Ulcer: Organization and Management Chairs: Luc Gryson, Brussels, Belgium; Giorgio C. La Scala, Geneva, Switzerland; Mario Zama, Rome, Italy

Children and Newborn Skin Features. Understanding Skin Care and Providing the Best Organization   Luc Gryson, Brussels, Belgium

The Hospital Pharmacist in the Management of Advanced Dressings   Tiziana Corsetti, Rome, Italy

On Stage: Dermatologist Best Practice Lessons Learned from Adults   A. Greco, Frosinone, Italy

From Minor to Major Surgical Procedures for Pediatric Pressure Ulcers   Giorgio C. La Scala, Geneva, Switzerland

Repair and Reconstruction of Complex Wounds in Children: Strategies   Luigino Santecchia, Mario Zama, Rome, Italy

Disability and Palliative Wound Care Chairs: Sylvie Meaume, Paris, France; Enrico Castelli, Rome, Italy

From Geriatric to Pediatric Patients: To Care and to Love the Two Extremes in Life   Sylvie Meaume, France

Palliative Wound Care in Children and Adolescents   Guido Ciprandi, Rome, Italy

Multiple Pressure Ulcers and Spastic Quadriplegia: A Multidisciplinary Approach   Manlio Ottonello, Simone Ferraro, Antonino Massone, Savona, Italy

Palliative Wound Care for Oncological Patients   Isabelle Fromantin, Paris, France

Oral Presentations

The use of NTP in pediatric burns: our experience   T. Anniboletti, Rome, Italy

A new dressing in pediatric burns: cuticell epigraft   G. Delli Santi, Rome, Italy

Lesioni della pelle intorno alla gastrostomia (peg)   M.P. Del Conte, Charleroi, Belgium

Dermabrasion versus Versajet: our experience in the surgical treatment of pediatric burns   M. Palombo, Rome, Italy

An enzyme alginogel in the management of non-healing pediatric wounds   C.M. Durante, Rome, Italy

Silicone mesh and second-degree burns: experience of use in Africa   C.M. Durante, Rome, Italy

4 years’ experience in treatment of children with EB – changing approach and methods of operations   J. Jutkiewicz-Sypniewska, Warsaw, Poland

Morel lavalle lesion in childhood case report   S. Curkovic, Karlovac, Croatia

Innovations in pediatric care: theory into practice   C. Deo, California, US

Bringing pressure ulcer rates to zero in the pediatric CVICU   C. Deo, California, US

Maintaining skin integrity: raising the standards of care in pediatrics   S. Trotter, California, US

Efficacy and safety of collagenase and hyaluronic acid in the debridement of pediatric burned patients: our experience   A. Bruno, Rome, Italy

L’utilizzazione del recell nel bambino ustionato   E. Conti, Paris, France

The role of laser therapy in the pediatric population   L. Fasciani, Rome, Italy

IL-10 recapitulates the fetal regenerative phenotype by regulation of hyaluronan synthases via a STAT3 dependent mechanism   S. Keswani, Ohio, US

Dermal substitutes in pediatric burns: our experience   F. De Vita, Rome, Italy

The treatment of young children with heel injuries after implemetation of a clinical pathway using a biocellulose dressing   A. Andriessen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Transferring knowledge from one role to another   S. Cassidy, Wellington, New Zealand

Etiology of the wounds on childhood and adolescent period in angiology department — prospective study   J. Delic, Belgrade, Serbia

V.A.C (Vacuum-Assisted Closure) and application of platelets gel in the treatment of a giant gastroschisis   V. Domenichelli, Rimini, Italy

Poster presentations

Usefulness of hydrocolloid dressings in pediatric burns   A. Frassetto, C. D’Acunto, C. Orlandi, A. Carboni, D. Melandri, Cesena, Italy

Soft tissue lesions in paediatric neuroorthopaedic practice   Vladimir Kenis, Alexey Baindurashvili, St. Petersburg, Russia

Delayed wound repair due to the bacterial redox toxin pyocyanin   Michael Muller, Neil Merrett, Sydney, Australia

Treatment of an infected, dehisced myelomeningocele wound in a neonate with VAC   Mona M. Baharestani, Tennessee, US

Use of NPWT in the treatment of neonatal and pediatric wounds   Mona M. Baharestani, Tennessee, US

A neonatal and pediatric evidence-linked pressure ulcer and skin care performance improvement initiative   Mona M. Baharestani, Tennessee, US

Assessment of pressure ulcer detection and staging ability among medical residents using simulation   Mona M. Baharestani, Martin Eason, William Linne, Stephen Loyd, Tennessee, US

Using moulage to simulate pressure ulcers — validation by wound care experts   Mona Baharestani, Martin Eason, William Linne, Tennessee, US

Upper lip pressure ulcers in very low birth weight infants due to fixation of the endotracheal tube   Fujioka Masaki, Hayashida Kenji, Murakami Chikako, Koga Yasushi, Ohmura, Japan

The use of a silicone dressing in the prevention of pressure ulcer on the nose with children treated with noninvasive ventilation   Van Capellen Petra, Brussels, Belgium

Development of intelligent wound dressings for the treatment of paediatric burns using self-response nanocapsules   Sung- Ha Hong, Toby Jenkins, Bath, UK

Stabilized responsive nanocapsules in the treatment of paediatric burns   Serena Marshall, Toby Jenkins, Bath, UK

Treatment of subcutaneous abscess with 1 x 45 cm hydrofiber carboxy-methyl-sodium cellulose dressing with silver with strengthening fibre in paediatric-age: preliminary experience   Marco Prestipino, Niccolò Nardi, Elisa Magrini, Mirko Bertozzi, Antonino Appignani, Perugia, Italy

Preliminary measurement of atmospheric condition during wound repair   Tajima Saori, Sano Hitomi, Ichioka Shigeru, Tokyo, Japan

Efficacy and safety of topical B-FGF treatment for suppression of scar hypertrophy in infantile deep dermal burn: a report of three cases   Sachio Kouraba, Masato Yasuta, Eisuke Uchiyama, Honda Kouichi, Masanobu Kumakiri, Yuhei Yamamoto. Sapporo, Japan

The positive experience of using collagen matrix dermis on pediatric wounds   Hitomi Sano, Shigeru Ichioka, Kazuyuki Tokioka, Tokyo, Japan

Use of tissue-engineered skin in the treatment of infants and children   Terry Treadwell, Donna Walker, Lucy Mara, Marcia Dixon, Betty Nicholson, Alabama, US

The wound dressing product selection tool   Kerri Sullivan, Newcastle, Australia

The treatment of neonates, infants, and children for injuries due to extravasation of intravenous medications and fluids   TerryTreadwell, Donna Walker, Lucy Mara, Montgomery, AL

Napkin care guidelines for infants and children   Angela Rodgers, Glasgow, UK

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