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Letter from the Editor

From the Editor: Correction: Notice of Duplicate Publication

Takahashi PY. Chandra A, Cha SS, Crane SJ. A predictive model for venous ulceration in older adults: results of a retrospective cohort study. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2010;56(4):60–66.

Since publication of the April 2010 issue of Ostomy Wound Management, the editors have learned that the article noted above substantially duplicated information published earlier in the journal WOUNDS (Takahashi PY, Kiemele L, Cha SS, Chandra A. A cross-sectional evaluation of the association between lower extremity venous ulceration and predictive risk factors. WOUNDS. 2009;21[11]:290–2960).

Duplicate publication, defined as publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published (see, violates the editorial policy of Ostomy Wound Management as set forth in our instructions for authors ( At the very least, the previous publication should have been cited in the subsequent article.

Response: The study that appeared in WOUNDS was published with cross-sectional information that allows only a single point of reference. Cross-sectional studies cannot determine causality and often are used as hypothesis-generating studies to examine the question in a different manner. Thus, we collected further data and evaluated the question using a cohort study that determined new cases of venous ulceration in the 2 years following 2005 and published these results in Ostomy Wound Management. This methodology is stronger and provides better results; it determines causality and allows for the creation of a predictive model. Fundamentally, the study designs — and thus, the results — are different and allow and answer different questions. The cohort study found previous venous ulceration was, by far, the most important risk factor for future venous ulceration, a finding that was not and could not be determined from the cross-sectional study in 2009. — Paul Takahashi, MD

Erratum: Regarding Black J, Baharestani M, Black S, et al. An overview of tissue types in pressure ulcers: a consensus panel recommendation. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2010;56(4):28–44: Dr. Baharestani was incorrectly listed as an MD. She in fact is a PhD. The Editors apologize for the error.