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AAWC Update: Attention Members: Nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors

     On September 17, the AAWC will call for nominations for the 2010 AAWC Board of Directors election. On that date, all active members will receive an official email notification of the Call for Nominations for the 2010 – 2012 terms of office.

    Seven board member positions are open for election. The open positions are as follows:

     Executive Committee:
     President-Elect (1)
     Secretary (1)
     Treasurer (1)
     Nurse (1)
     General Board Members: Consumer (1)
     International (1)
     Member-At-Large (1)

     All nominees must be AAWC Members in good standing since January 1, 2009 to be considered for positions on the Board. If you are interested in serving the AAWC, nominate yourself!

     Nominees will provide the following materials by Wednesday, November 12, 2009:

     • a letter of intent to run for a board position (an email may serve as a letter of intent);
     • a curriculum vitae or resume and a short biographical sketch;
     • a photograph in electronic form (via email or CD). Passport-style headshots work best;
     • a completed Candidate Profile with your signature/electronic signature.

This information will be disseminated to members. It also serves to verify that you have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the AAWC Board Members and Officers.  After November 12, the Nominations Committee will develop a slate of Board Candidates that will be distributed to the membership for vote in January. All nominees will be notified of their election status in March.   

 Attention Nonmembers: Get to know the AAWC today and save 20% on SAWC registration

     The AAWC now offers a special 6-month clinician trial membership. For only $99, you can enjoy 6 months of AAWC benefits and get to know the premier multidisciplinary wound care association that is making a difference every day. Then, upon your renewal time, we are confident you will want to renew for a full year! Visit to join the AAWC and obtain your membership ID. Use your AAWC member ID to register for the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) at a significant savings — a savings that nearly covers the AAWC 6-month dues. Full-year memberships are an alternative choice for people who prefer to enjoy a full year of benefits.


