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AAWC Update February 2010

Federal Drug Administration Selects AAWC to Participate in Questionnaire Regarding Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)

     Recently, the AAWC was asked by the FDA to participate in a questionnaire related to NPWT in the home environment. Members having experience with NPWT in the home setting and willing to participate were asked to send their names and contact information to the AAWC Business Office. Nearly 60 members volunteered for the questionnaire, which was sent out by the FDA in recent weeks.

     FDA representatives were enthusiastic about the AAWC’s participation and willingness to assist; however, no information has been released to date regarding findings from participant questionnaires. The FDA will be using the valuable information obtained by AAWC members and others who use NPWT to assess the effectiveness, safety, and implications of using NPWT in the home environment. More information is sure to follow from the FDA as they continue with the study.

     Want to have your voice heard on topics such as these? The ability exists through your membership in AAWC. Join today at

New at SAWC Spring 2010: AAWC Research Poster Critiques and “Grand Rounds” Session

     To help clinicians develop higher quality work when submitting SAWC posters featuring non-randomized controlled clinical trials, Barbara Bates-Jensen, PhD, RN, CWOCN, and the AAWC Research Department have developed four educational posters for display at SAWC Spring, April 17–20 in Orlando ( As a part of this educational effort, the AAWC Research Department will be reviewing and critiquing a select number of accepted posters. Each poster reviewed by the AAWC Research Department will be recognized with a certificate and the primary author will receive the review. Posters for review will be selected by the AAWC Research Department. Authors of posters selected will be required to submit their poster content to the AAWC Research Department chair before the meeting to facilitate review. In addition, a small of number of posters reviewed by the AAWC Research Department also will be selected by the AAWC Research Department to be included in the “AAWC Research Poster Grand Rounds,” a new educational session offered by the AAWC Research Committee as an oral abstract session during the conference. Attendees can register for the “AAWC Research Poster Grand Rounds” session onsite at the AAWC registration booth, located in the conference registration area.

     Participation is limited — the Research Grand Rounds are intended to be an intimate and engaging small-group experience. The AAWC Research Department and AAWC Board Members will guide participants through one of the AAWC educational research posters and then tour and discuss several exhibited posters that display the concepts. This is an exciting opportunity to increase the level of rigor and the strength of our work in wound care. Please consider joining the inaugural “AAWC Research Poster Grand Rounds” at SAWC Spring.

Guidelines Department Reports Progress on PUCI and VUCI Projects

I. AAWC PUCI: Pressure Ulcer Care Initiative

     A. PUCI Algorithm, outline, and evidence tables completed and pending submission to National Guideline Clearinghouse February 2010 titled AAWC Pressure Ulcer Guideline. Any research that provides evidence for areas currently lacking support can be submitted to the guideline department as directed in the online reference at the AAWC web site.

     B. PUCI posters
          1. PUCI Development Poster presented at SAWC Spring and Fall and Clinical Symposium 2009
          2. PUCI Research and Education Poster abstract
                a. Accepted for WOCN 2010 conference (Printing date goal March)
                b. Submitted to SAWC Spring 2010 symposium: awaiting response.
                c. PUCI Professional Implementation Tool drafted and undergoing review; electronic version under discussion and resource search in progress. Anyone with an interest in assisting with the development of a bedside tool is encouraged to join our Guideline Department.
                d. PUCI Patient Education Tool request to be submitted to Public Awareness Task Force after PUCI acceptance to National Clearinghouse.
                e. Collaborative article by multiple wound societies (NPUAP, AAWC, CAWC, CAET, AMCICHAC) initiated January 2010 regarding opportunities for research and education for pressure       ulcer care discovered through research, development, and content validation of the PUCI. Submission for Publication goal April 2010.

II. AAWC VUCI: Venous Ulcer Care Initiative

     A. The AAWC Venous Ulcer Guideline as required by the National Guideline Clearinghouse is scheduled for the 5-year update; research is underway to incorporate new evidence to the existing guideline. New members are always welcome to the Guideline Department to assist with discovery and compiling evidence articles.
     B. VUCI professional implementation tool is in development; anyone with an interest is assisting with this project is welcome as a member of the Guideline Department.
     C. VUCI patient education tool was completed by the Public Awareness Task Force in 2009. Provides a clear, simple, evidence-based patient instruction reference ideal for office and clinic handouts for patient education. The Public Awareness Task Force is to be commended on a great job! The educational tool is a brochure, titled “Dress and Compress for Success” and can be accessed at the AAWC website ( and reprinted for free.

     The Guideline Department has a variety of projects that may interest fellow members. We invite new members to join us in the effort to develop evidence-based wound guidelines and maintain existing AAWC National Clearinghouse guidelines. You can contact the co-chairs listed above or any member of the department for more information.

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.


