AAWC Update
The AAWC Research Committee has developed educational posters. The goal of the posters is to help clinicians develop higher-quality work when submitting future SAWC posters around nonrandomized controlled clinical trials. AAWC educational posters now can be accessed through the AAWC Website under “Professional Resources.” You also can view AAWC Educational Research posters at the SAWC Spring and SAWC Fall during poster hall session hours.
Additionally, as a part of our educational efforts, the AAWC Research Department reviews and critiques a select number of posters that have already been accepted for display at these meetings.
Authors of selected posters are required to submit their poster content to the AAWC Research Committee Chair before the meeting for review. Each poster reviewed by the AAWC Research Committee is recognized with a special certificate for allowing AAWC to conduct this additional, educational critique of its contents.
A small number of posters reviewed by the AAWC Research Committee are selected to be included in the “AAWC Research Poster Grand Rounds,” a fairly new educational session offered by the AAWC during the SAWC conferences. The “AAWC Wound Research Poster Grand Rounds” are walking sessions during the SAWC, where attendees assemble and are given a brief lecture outlining the key points on how to improve methodology of wound research. The session includes the AAWC’s educational posters as well as those critiqued by the AAWC Research Committee. This is an exciting opportunity to increase the level of rigor and the strength of our work in wound care. Please consider submitting your wound research work for review and critique by AAWC in the future. The SAWC will begin accepting abstracts for the fall meeting (to be held September 12–14, 2012, in Baltimore, MD) on Monday, April 30, 2012.
Coming Soon! Take the Pressure Off! – A Patient Guide to Preventing and Treating Pressure Ulcers
The AAWC Public Awareness Task Force has developed an evidence-based educational brochure on the pressure ulcer prevention and treatment. The goal of the brochure is to help patients and their caregivers by providing critical information in a nonclinical, easy-to-read format. The brochure describes the process and appearance of developing pressure ulcers, provides important tips for preventing and treating pressure ulcers, and reinforces principles of the content-validated AAWC Pressure Ulcer Clinical Guidelines. These guidelines, developed by the AAWC Guideline Task Force, are synthesized from all relevant pressure ulcer guidelines to define best-practice ulcer management supported by best available current evidence.
The brochure will debut at SAWC Spring 2012. Access all of AAWC’s educational brochures within the AAWC’s professional resource center at www.aawconline.org.
AAWC Membership Benefit Recap
AAWC Speakers Bureau. Would you like to speak at conferences, regional meetings, or other engagements? The new AAWC Speakers Bureau helps you promote your availability for discussions and presentations on the subject of quality wound prevention and care, an opportunity for you to “get your name out there!” For the full guidelines and an application for the Speakers Bureau, please visit https://aawconline.org/speakers-bureau-program/. If accepted, your contact information will be listed on the Speakers Bureau pages. Please take this opportunity to review and/or join the AAWC Speakers Bureau program. The AAWC will also be providing a speaker training program at 2012 SAWC Fall in Baltimore, MD.
Webinar discounts. AAWC Members receive a discount of 20% to attend the ICD-10 Documentation Webinars! For more information or to register for the Webinars, please visit www.icd10codingworkshop.com or call Sheila Donato at (800) 237-7285, x 233 with questions.
Wound care glossary. The AAWC Wound Care Glossary is now available. Members can Login to our Members-Only area at www.aawconline.org to view it first! With more than 300 words and terms, this glossary will be sure to keep everyone on the same page when talking about wounds and treatment options. Nonmembers will have access in the future.
Clinician dues discounts. In celebration of the SAWC’s 25th Anniversary, the AAWC is offering clinician members a 25% discount on membership dues. Join or renew before April 30 to take advantage of the savings. Promotion ends on May 1. *If your AAWC membership doesn’t expire before May, you can renew your AAWC membership early, and receive an additional year of membership discounts and benefits. The new dues rate is $108.75 instead of $145.00. This limited time, clinician price is the lowest in more than 5 years!*
You also can take those savings and join us for an extra 20% AAWC-member discount on registrations fee to SAWC Spring and Fall. For more information on the conference, visit www.sawc.net
The AAWC is the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation and provides a whole year of valuable benefits. Be sure to join us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.