AAWC Update
You already belong to a wound care association. Are you getting what you pay for?
As the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation, the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) provides many financial and other valuable benefits that more than cover the AAWC’s modest tax-deductible dues.
Why not consider joining your colleagues at the AAWC for an entire year of journals, alerts, discounts, and news, and receive up to hundreds of dollars in savings by taking advantage of only a few of AAWC’s benefits?
Clinician Rate: $145/year
Student or Retired Rate: $60/year
Clinic, Facility, or Corporate Rate: $360/year
Here is a recap of the benefits we’ve announced to our members in just the last month alone, amounting to savings up to $235!
• Save significantly with your 20% AAWC discount to our Official Annual Conference, SAWC Fall, in Las Vegas, October 13–15, 2011. That’s a savings of up to $100 or more while staying at the beautiful Rio Las Vegas hotel.
• New! When SAWC Fall is combined with a 25% discount to attend the Wound Certification Prep CourseTM, held 2 days before in the same location, AAWC Members’ savings are in the hundreds of dollars! The prep course discount is up to $130!
• Plus, AAWC Members enjoy not only the camaraderie of their colleagues while saving on registration and attending the AAWC Membership Meeting, but they also enjoy discounted hotel rates and many free food functions as an attendee of SAWC Fall.
• New! Limited Time Offer for Members Only :Enjoy a 15% discount on a 1-year subscription or early subscription renewal to Today’s Wound Clinic! Savings for you/your clinic is almost $15 for 9 issues. This promotion ends October 31, 2011.
• New! The AAWC will pay $5 toward member purchases of Scottsdale Wound Management Guide. That’s 20% off the already low $20 list price. For only $15 plus shipping, this handy pocket guide is a comprehensive, easy-to-read, and “pocket size” asset for a professional’s daily use.
Why not save even more? Other many benefits include:
• Automatic subscriptions to both official journals: Ostomy Wound Management and WOUNDS
• 35% discount on AAWC Educational Wound Image Sets on CD-Rom
• 20% discount to Wound Clinic Business regional meetings
• Multiple discounts offered on online and print subscriptions to the Journal of Wound Care (JWC) with your Membership ID Number and by visiting www.journalofwoundcare.com/aawc
• 25% discount on Chronic Wound Care, 4th Edition
• Quarterly newsletter filled with clinical articles and news
• Professional Certificate of Membership that acknowledges your commitment to advanced wound care
• Access to the AAWC Membership Directory
• Annual Wound Care Clinic Directory, which lists clinics all over the country and world, where professionals like you are practicing wound care—great for referrals or networking
• Access to the Scholarship Program–grants are given for education, research, and travel
• A copy of the Wound Patient’s Bill of Rights, suitable for framing and display
• Information and support any time you need it by website, phone, or email
• Updates on AAWC activities in the “AAWC News” section of our official journals
• Several options for networking, committee, and task force involvement.
The savings will continue and surprise new benefits are on the way soon, including a major benefit launch at SAWC Fall that you won’t want to miss.
Thank you in advance for your membership via tax-deductible dues! When you calculate all of your savings, not to mention the other benefits, you won’t regret your decision to join or rejoin fellow members. Join now at www.aawconline.org under “Membership.”
This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.