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Volume 49 - Issue 8 - August, 2003 Supplement


A dvances in the understanding of a favorable wound micro-environment and the growing socio-economic burden of infected wounds have prompted the development of a new generation of wound dressings. These state-of-the-art dressings offer...
A dvances in the understanding of a favorable wound micro-environment and the growing socio-economic burden of infected wounds have prompted the development of a new generation of wound dressings. These state-of-the-art dressings offer...
A dvances in the understanding...
Wound Management & Prevention


Empirical Studies
The Microbiology of Wounds Wound microbiology and healing are unquestionably associated. Wound tissue provides a favorable environment for micro-organisms to grow and multiply, almost inevitably resulting in colonization. Understanding and...
The Microbiology of Wounds Wound microbiology and healing are unquestionably associated. Wound tissue provides a favorable environment for micro-organisms to grow and multiply, almost inevitably resulting in colonization. Understanding and...
The Microbiology of Wounds Wound...
Wound Management & Prevention
Case Report
T he limitations of traditional wound dressings have long been recognized. Gauze, even when used with antiseptic solutions, adheres to wounds and can cause trauma on removal, with a deleterious effect on wound healing.1 Such wet-to-dry...
T he limitations of traditional wound dressings have long been recognized. Gauze, even when used with antiseptic solutions, adheres to wounds and can cause trauma on removal, with a deleterious effect on wound healing.1 Such wet-to-dry...
T he limitations of traditional...
Wound Management & Prevention