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Volume 49 - Issue 7 - July, 2003


Empirical Studies
Bacteria and Wounds Bacteria are ubiquitous in the geography of the human body. In the skin, the average human being harbors at least 200 species of bacteria, totaling more than 1012 organisms.1 Therefore, when the skin is broken by trauma or...
Bacteria and Wounds Bacteria are ubiquitous in the geography of the human body. In the skin, the average human being harbors at least 200 species of bacteria, totaling more than 1012 organisms.1 Therefore, when the skin is broken by trauma or...
Bacteria and Wounds Bacteria are...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
M any wounds healing by secondary intention become indolent, extending periods of patient discomfort and inconvenience and increasing healthcare costs and staff workload. Although wounds cease to heal for many reasons, perhaps the most common...
M any wounds healing by secondary intention become indolent, extending periods of patient discomfort and inconvenience and increasing healthcare costs and staff workload. Although wounds cease to heal for many reasons, perhaps the most common...
M any wounds healing by...
Wound Management & Prevention