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Volume 50 - Issue 6 - June, 2004


Empirical Studies
    The loss of soft tissue from the foot, either from trauma or as the result of a diabetic foot ulcer, can be a difficult problem to resolve. When tissue is lost from the weight-bearing surface of the foot, the result may be...
    The loss of soft tissue from the foot, either from trauma or as the result of a diabetic foot ulcer, can be a difficult problem to resolve. When tissue is lost from the weight-bearing surface of the foot, the result may be...
    The loss of soft tissue from...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
    The heel plays a vital role in weight transmission and in the dynamics of walking. When a person is standing, the weight of the body is transmitted from the femur and tibia through the heel bones (talus and calcaneus) to the ground and to...
    The heel plays a vital role in weight transmission and in the dynamics of walking. When a person is standing, the weight of the body is transmitted from the femur and tibia through the heel bones (talus and calcaneus) to the ground and to...
    The heel plays a vital role...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Quantification of the Problem     Urinary incontinence. To those who suffer from, live with, and care for others experiencing the condition, the meaning is clear. Ouslander and Johnson1 define urinary incontinence (UI) as the involuntary...
Quantification of the Problem     Urinary incontinence. To those who suffer from, live with, and care for others experiencing the condition, the meaning is clear. Ouslander and Johnson1 define urinary incontinence (UI) as the involuntary...
Quantification of the Problem  ...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Continued from PART 1 The Care Plan     Nursing diagnosis. Roy has developed a typology of indications of positive adaptation related to urinary elimination. These include:    1. Effective process of urine formation    2. Stable pattern...
Continued from PART 1 The Care Plan     Nursing diagnosis. Roy has developed a typology of indications of positive adaptation related to urinary elimination. These include:    1. Effective process of urine formation    2. Stable pattern...
Continued from PART 1 The Care...
Wound Management & Prevention
Papain-urea debriding ointment now available to Medicaid patients in all 50 states     Smith & Nephew Wound Management (Largo, Fla.) announced that Gladase™, the company’s papain-urea debriding ointment, is now available for use with...
Papain-urea debriding ointment now available to Medicaid patients in all 50 states     Smith & Nephew Wound Management (Largo, Fla.) announced that Gladase™, the company’s papain-urea debriding ointment, is now available for use with...
Papain-urea debriding ointment...
Wound Management & Prevention
    The primary goal for burn wound management is to excise the devitalized tissue and close the wound as soon as possible. Secondary goals of wound care are to promote healing and to maintain function of the affected body part. These goals...
    The primary goal for burn wound management is to excise the devitalized tissue and close the wound as soon as possible. Secondary goals of wound care are to promote healing and to maintain function of the affected body part. These goals...
    The primary goal for burn...
Wound Management & Prevention
    One of the most pivotal aspects of ostomy rehabilitation is teaching. The patient, the patient's family or significant others, paid caregivers, and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) must be taught 1) how to care for the stoma and...
    One of the most pivotal aspects of ostomy rehabilitation is teaching. The patient, the patient's family or significant others, paid caregivers, and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) must be taught 1) how to care for the stoma and...
    One of the most pivotal...
Wound Management & Prevention
    Propelled in large part by the increasing number of people with diabetes who have subsequent foot problems, podiatry is moving into the mainstream of medicine. Because of their knowledge of biomechanics, offloading, and debridement,...
    Propelled in large part by the increasing number of people with diabetes who have subsequent foot problems, podiatry is moving into the mainstream of medicine. Because of their knowledge of biomechanics, offloading, and debridement,...
    Propelled in large part by...
Wound Management & Prevention
Operation Headwaters Stings Wound Care     Operation Headwaters, one of the largest and longest running healthcare fraud sting operations ever conducted, is a joint initiative conducted by the FBI, the Health and Human Services Office of the...
Operation Headwaters Stings Wound Care     Operation Headwaters, one of the largest and longest running healthcare fraud sting operations ever conducted, is a joint initiative conducted by the FBI, the Health and Human Services Office of the...
Operation Headwaters Stings...
Wound Management & Prevention


    Every professional meeting, including the most recent Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, has two types of dialogue: The scheduled formal program and the informal hallway discussions. The former is carefully planned; the latter is always a...
    Every professional meeting, including the most recent Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, has two types of dialogue: The scheduled formal program and the informal hallway discussions. The former is carefully planned; the latter is always a...
    Every professional meeting,...
Wound Management & Prevention


