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Volume 51 - Issue 4 - April, 2005

    The term forensic (of, relating to, or used in legal proceedings) carries an aura of intrigue — visions of diligent detectives on a quest for clinical information to prove an illusive point (or perhaps this editor has fallen prey to the...
    The term forensic (of, relating to, or used in legal proceedings) carries an aura of intrigue — visions of diligent detectives on a quest for clinical information to prove an illusive point (or perhaps this editor has fallen prey to the...
    The term forensic (of,...
Wound Management & Prevention
    Wound care professionals deal with necrotic wounds daily. We instruct patients in self-care as a routine task in our management plan. The expectation is the patient will do as instructed and the wound will likely progress to healing. We...
    Wound care professionals deal with necrotic wounds daily. We instruct patients in self-care as a routine task in our management plan. The expectation is the patient will do as instructed and the wound will likely progress to healing. We...
    Wound care professionals...
Wound Management & Prevention
DMERCs Get New Name and Jurisdiction     Another of the many mandates in the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) is about to be implemented. The MMA requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to put all fee-for-service claims...
DMERCs Get New Name and Jurisdiction     Another of the many mandates in the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) is about to be implemented. The MMA requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to put all fee-for-service claims...
DMERCs Get New Name and...
Wound Management & Prevention


Letter from the Editor
    In a perfect world, the passion that directs our choices — in careers, in life partners — would maintain its intensity throughout our lives. The reality is that passion is tested. With not enough time in a day to complete our work-related...
    In a perfect world, the passion that directs our choices — in careers, in life partners — would maintain its intensity throughout our lives. The reality is that passion is tested. With not enough time in a day to complete our work-related...
    In a perfect world, the...
Wound Management & Prevention


