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Volume 55 - Issue 9 - September, 2009

     Wound healing is influenced by a combination of well-documented environmental and biological factors that have an impact on patient recovery. Currently, no effective diagnostic tools to assess the critical biologic activities or...
     Wound healing is influenced by a combination of well-documented environmental and biological factors that have an impact on patient recovery. Currently, no effective diagnostic tools to assess the critical biologic activities or...
     Wound healing is influenced...
Wound Management & Prevention
Industry Insider
Product helps improve catheter application      Ethicon Inc (Somerville, NJ) announced that the Biopatch® Protective Disk with chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) will include new design elements and updated packaging to make it easier for...
Product helps improve catheter application      Ethicon Inc (Somerville, NJ) announced that the Biopatch® Protective Disk with chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) will include new design elements and updated packaging to make it easier for...
Product helps improve catheter...
Wound Management & Prevention
     The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) published updated definitions of pressure ulcers in February 2007. These definitions were followed in October 1, 2008 by the “Present on Admission” (POA) focus of Centers for Medicare...
     The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) published updated definitions of pressure ulcers in February 2007. These definitions were followed in October 1, 2008 by the “Present on Admission” (POA) focus of Centers for Medicare...
     The National Pressure Ulcer...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Most people hope for a respectful, peaceful death, one where they just slip away into the night. Unfortunately for many patients and their families, the end of life is not a single instant but rather a long complicated period fraught...
     Most people hope for a respectful, peaceful death, one where they just slip away into the night. Unfortunately for many patients and their families, the end of life is not a single instant but rather a long complicated period fraught...
     Most people hope for a...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Joseph Fletcher, long considered a pioneer and leader in the field of bioethics, argued that people have dignity only if they are able to choose when, how, and why they are to live or to die. Fletcher1 wrote, “Death control, like birth...
     Joseph Fletcher, long considered a pioneer and leader in the field of bioethics, argued that people have dignity only if they are able to choose when, how, and why they are to live or to die. Fletcher1 wrote, “Death control, like birth...
     Joseph Fletcher, long...
Wound Management & Prevention


Executive Spotlight
      When he was 18 years old, Michael Steadman was a firefighter in the suburbs of Chicago. It was during these early years of adulthood that an interest in wound care was established. “I saw plenty of burns as well as trauma-related...
      When he was 18 years old, Michael Steadman was a firefighter in the suburbs of Chicago. It was during these early years of adulthood that an interest in wound care was established. “I saw plenty of burns as well as trauma-related...
      When he was 18 years old,...
Wound Management & Prevention
Guest Editorial
     The Kennedy Terminal Ulcer (KTU) is a pressure ulcer that some individuals get as they are dying. Not all patients who die with a pressure ulcer die with a KTU; a KTU is in a subset of pressure ulcers that have certain characteristics....
     The Kennedy Terminal Ulcer (KTU) is a pressure ulcer that some individuals get as they are dying. Not all patients who die with a pressure ulcer die with a KTU; a KTU is in a subset of pressure ulcers that have certain characteristics....
     The Kennedy Terminal Ulcer...
Wound Management & Prevention


Empirical Studies
Abstract Pressure ulcers are serious health problems. Although a vast amount of literature addresses prevention and treatment strategies, conceptual difficulties persist regarding pressure ulcer definitions, classifications, and distinction...
Abstract Pressure ulcers are serious health problems. Although a vast amount of literature addresses prevention and treatment strategies, conceptual difficulties persist regarding pressure ulcer definitions, classifications, and distinction...
Abstract Pressure ulcers are...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Abstract Patients with chronic wounds of the lower extremity (CWLEs) often experience functional disability and emotional distress; incorporating health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurements in clinical practice may improve...
Abstract Patients with chronic wounds of the lower extremity (CWLEs) often experience functional disability and emotional distress; incorporating health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurements in clinical practice may improve...
Abstract Patients with chronic...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Wound Management & Prevention