Volume 49 - Issue 2 - February, 2003
Empirical Studies
Ostomy surgery profoundly affects a person’s life. To determine the extent of the effect, the Stoma Care Quality of Life Index instrument was developed from a quality-of-life index. After ascertaining its validity and...
Ostomy surgery profoundly affects a person’s life. To determine the extent of the effect, the Stoma Care Quality of Life Index instrument was developed from a quality-of-life index. After ascertaining its validity and...
Ostomy surgery...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Clinician awareness of the importance of recognizing, assessing, and ultimately addressing the negative impact of chronic wounds on patient quality of life is increasing. One hundred, eighteen (118) patients (average age 78 years)...
Clinician awareness of the importance of recognizing, assessing, and ultimately addressing the negative impact of chronic wounds on patient quality of life is increasing. One hundred, eighteen (118) patients (average age 78 years)...
Clinician awareness...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Stressful life events, such as coping with a chronic wound, often compel families to reorganize their style of functioning.
The Family Stress Theory, developed by Professor Reuben Hill, provides one explanation for the family’s...
Stressful life events, such as coping with a chronic wound, often compel families to reorganize their style of functioning.
The Family Stress Theory, developed by Professor Reuben Hill, provides one explanation for the family’s...
Stressful life events,...
Wound Management & Prevention
Outcome assessments in healthcare have traditionally been rather crude, all-or-nothing propositions. The most commonly used measure, mortality rate, was appropriate when the majority of people around the world died from infectious diseases....
Outcome assessments in healthcare have traditionally been rather crude, all-or-nothing propositions. The most commonly used measure, mortality rate, was appropriate when the majority of people around the world died from infectious diseases....
Outcome assessments in...
Wound Management & Prevention
The following is excerpted from Briggs M, Torra i Bou JE. Pain at wound dressing changes: a guide to management. European Wound Management Association Position Document. Pain at wound dressing changes. London, UK: Medical Education...
The following is excerpted from Briggs M, Torra i Bou JE. Pain at wound dressing changes: a guide to management. European Wound Management Association Position Document. Pain at wound dressing changes. London, UK: Medical Education...
The following is excerpted from...
Wound Management & Prevention
For nearly 75 years, colostomy irrigation has been an accepted management option that allows a colostomy patient to control bowel evacuation. Colostomy irrigation evolved as an answer to the nearly universally chronic peristomal skin...
For nearly 75 years, colostomy irrigation has been an accepted management option that allows a colostomy patient to control bowel evacuation. Colostomy irrigation evolved as an answer to the nearly universally chronic peristomal skin...
For nearly 75 years, colostomy...
Wound Management & Prevention
As part of tradition and culture, Japanese are taught to respect and revere the older members of their families and society. Despite a recent popular groundswell of less-than-sympathetic thoughts about the burdens of old age taking place in...
As part of tradition and culture, Japanese are taught to respect and revere the older members of their families and society. Despite a recent popular groundswell of less-than-sympathetic thoughts about the burdens of old age taking place in...
As part of tradition and...
Wound Management & Prevention
Industry Insider
American Urological Association launches patient information website
Many questions about urologic health can be answered discreetly and with authority through a website launched by the American Urological Association. The web site was...
American Urological Association launches patient information website
Many questions about urologic health can be answered discreetly and with authority through a website launched by the American Urological Association. The web site was...
American Urological Association...
Wound Management & Prevention