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Volume 48 - Issue 2 - February, 2002

   Coping With Endometriosis is an easy-to-read, compassionate book that provides concrete information about a common, but frequently misunderstood condition. Philips and Motta offer facts and information about symptoms and current treatment...
   Coping With Endometriosis is an easy-to-read, compassionate book that provides concrete information about a common, but frequently misunderstood condition. Philips and Motta offer facts and information about symptoms and current treatment...
   Coping With Endometriosis is...
Wound Management & Prevention
History    Ms. P was a 64-year-old obese woman with a history of chronic airway obstruction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), depression, and renal insufficiency. She frequently...
History    Ms. P was a 64-year-old obese woman with a history of chronic airway obstruction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), depression, and renal insufficiency. She frequently...
History    Ms. P was a...
Wound Management & Prevention
   Marcia Simon, PhD, Director, Living Skin Bank, sees her scope of practice as bridging the gap between basic research and clinical practice. The research she performs puts her at the forefront of developing new therapies for partial- and...
   Marcia Simon, PhD, Director, Living Skin Bank, sees her scope of practice as bridging the gap between basic research and clinical practice. The research she performs puts her at the forefront of developing new therapies for partial- and...
   Marcia Simon, PhD, Director,...
Wound Management & Prevention
   Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of...
   Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of...
   Laws and institutions must go...
Wound Management & Prevention


Empirical Studies
   Scant information is available in the English language scientific literature to support the extraordinary growth of the use of complementary therapies for treatment of health problems. This article discusses the difficulties encountered in...
   Scant information is available in the English language scientific literature to support the extraordinary growth of the use of complementary therapies for treatment of health problems. This article discusses the difficulties encountered in...
   Scant information is...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
   As healthcare becomes more business-oriented, traditional roles change.1 Clinicians are challenged with assuming greater fiscal responsibility and meeting the expectations of cost containment. This requires more direct involvement in...
   As healthcare becomes more business-oriented, traditional roles change.1 Clinicians are challenged with assuming greater fiscal responsibility and meeting the expectations of cost containment. This requires more direct involvement in...
   As healthcare becomes more...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
   Currently, a plethora of physical therapy evaluation and intervention techniques is available to the practicing clinician.1-4 However, the literature is sparse for standardized protocols pertaining to wound care, as well as the...
   Currently, a plethora of physical therapy evaluation and intervention techniques is available to the practicing clinician.1-4 However, the literature is sparse for standardized protocols pertaining to wound care, as well as the...
   Currently, a plethora of...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
   Incontinence has a major impact on health and quality of life. In the general population, fecal incontinence affects approximately 2% of adults and urinary incontinence affects approximately 30% of adults.1,2 Dermatitis is a common problem...
   Incontinence has a major impact on health and quality of life. In the general population, fecal incontinence affects approximately 2% of adults and urinary incontinence affects approximately 30% of adults.1,2 Dermatitis is a common problem...
   Incontinence has a major...
Wound Management & Prevention
N ew national Medical Privacy Guidelines were issued in April 2001. The guidelines are designed to safeguard private patient information in a computerized world where data are readily accessible to a number of individuals and organizations....
N ew national Medical Privacy Guidelines were issued in April 2001. The guidelines are designed to safeguard private patient information in a computerized world where data are readily accessible to a number of individuals and organizations....
N ew national Medical Privacy...
Wound Management & Prevention


Guest Editorial
   The events of September 11, 2001 have had a sad and sobering effect on all of us and will impact our lives forever. Within the context of this awareness of the world beyond our private microcosms, I want to address an issue that I have...
   The events of September 11, 2001 have had a sad and sobering effect on all of us and will impact our lives forever. Within the context of this awareness of the world beyond our private microcosms, I want to address an issue that I have...
   The events of September 11,...
Wound Management & Prevention


