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Volume 50 - Issue 10 - October, 2004


Guest Editorial
    In January 2003, the Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) decided to take a bold step. The membership had been saying that access to both physical and human resources for managing chronic wounds was a major issue — that while the...
    In January 2003, the Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) decided to take a bold step. The membership had been saying that access to both physical and human resources for managing chronic wounds was a major issue — that while the...
    In January 2003, the...
Wound Management & Prevention


Empirical Studies
    Under-nutrition and protein-energy malnutrition are seen in alarmingly high rates among institutionalized elderly and are estimated to affect 23% to 85% of the population.1 The rate among patients admitted to the hospital is estimated to...
    Under-nutrition and protein-energy malnutrition are seen in alarmingly high rates among institutionalized elderly and are estimated to affect 23% to 85% of the population.1 The rate among patients admitted to the hospital is estimated to...
    Under-nutrition and...
Wound Management & Prevention