An Update on Pops
Many of you have commented on — even forwarded and cited — my editorials on my dad, documenting his trials and triumphs with urinary incontinence. His suprapubic (dubbed “supersonic” by Pops) catheter has prevailed, and for the past 8+ months, he has been relatively infection-free and more comfortable. We have established a routine for his urological care: A visiting nurse flushes the catheter every other week and changes the tubing once a month. He sees his urologist every 6 months. He has had some issues with leakage we think are related to not securely closing the clamps, and the strap holding the leg bag has been replaced. But overall, he seems more like himself (an 88-year-old version, but OK). The head-shaking and complaints that he is “not himself” and that having a catheter (for a time, Foley; for a time, self-catheterizing) is “a downer” are less and less frequent. He has adapted to his new normal that includes full-time help (an option he doesn’t exactly love), visiting nurse supervision, improved strength and mobility (he still needs a walker but more often than not you find the walker here and my dad there), weight gain, and most importantly, engagement with his family. The phone conversations that had shortened to less than a minute when he was regaining his quality-of-life equilibrium have lengthened — an indication that his interest in his loved ones’ antics has returned (his smile in the photo underscores his pleasure in all things family).
The takeaway is that if you asked me his prognosis 1 year ago — when he was in rehab after the fall that shook our world and that was related to his bathroom issues — I would have shaken my head and told you incontinence looked to be the end of the world. Professional, familial, and self-advocacy have worked in tandem to put the old smile on Pops’ face, for which I am overwhelmingly grateful.