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From the Top: Inspiring Accomplishments

  The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) has accomplished something few associations can achieve. Over the last year-and-a-half, membership in the AAWC has increased 45%. That number speaks volumes. Our leadership’s careful planning and reactive efforts to the economic challenges affecting AAWC’s membership several years ago resulted in the highest membership total in AAWC’s history. We have many to thank for this achievement.

  No matter what your level of experience or specific role in wound care, there are numerous reasons for joining our Association.
    1. The AAWC is an established, trusted, not-for-profit voice for wound care professionals and patients throughout the global community.
    2. The AAWC is the “go-to source” for current, evidence-based information and support.
    3. The AAWC offers everything from basic or advanced education (deep discounts are available on conferences and books) to clinical guidelines to government/regulatory alerts to patient education.
    4. The AAWC continues to add benefits, especially over the last few years (see full page of benefits on page 39); many of these benefits provide financial savings of hundreds of dollars per year.
    5. AAWC programs and products are intrinsically valuable. Some, such as full access to the Virtual Wound™ online education modules, a clinic/facility directory, and new opportunities for volunteerism through our AAWC Global Volunteers program, may be accessed only by members. Other valuable programs include a content-validated wound care glossary and education for creating quality research posters.
    6. Opportunities for various speaking engagements have been created for members through the development of the AAWC Speakers Bureau and Speaker Training services (see speakers bureau application, page 41), as well as through the development of several focused task forces offering a variety of experiences and networking options.

  Need additional reasons to join now? In January 2012, the AAWC initiated a 25% discount on clinician membership dues (now only $108.75) to help ease the financial burdens of the past few years. We’ve extended that discount through the end of 2012. Taking advantage of only a few of our financial benefits makes up this amount and then some. Make sure to join soon or renew early, and lock in a year of membership at a great rate. If you are a student or retiree, we offer significantly lower rates for you. Last but not least, we’ve given 100% relief to those we exist to serve the most by now providing free lifetime memberships to patients and their lay-caregivers, which includes patient-centered education, newsletters, and a dedicated portion of our website.

  With the holidays approaching, a year-end donation to the AAWC in the form of tax-deductible membership dues is the perfect choice as a gift to yourself or a colleague. Our dedicated volunteers spend countless hours each year working hard for you, and your support allows the AAWC to keep making a difference. Please take the time to review the progress of our collaborative community and join us. We are one voice short if you are not a part of our organization. A membership application is enclosed on page 40. You also may choose to make a general donation using that form.

  Please take a moment to “Like” the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care on Facebook and link to us on LinkedIn. In addition to periodic emails, newsletters and website updates, Facebook and LinkedIn are easy ways to stay current on the latest AAWC benefits, news, and alerts as you interface with your professional colleagues, family, and friends.

  Best regards,
  Tina Thomas, Executive Director

AAWC is the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation.

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.