From the Top: A Dream Realized
The AAWC turned 20 years old on September 18, 2015; I have been privileged to be engaged with this organization for nearly 17 of those years. As I look eagerly to the future of our organization, I am grateful to more than 100 hard-working, multidisciplinary board and other volunteer members who have helped accomplish past goals, to those who are instrumental in achieving current objectives, and to others who will help us continue to make history in the years to come.
If you are not an AAWC member, please take a moment to reflect on who and what AAWC is as a charitable organization. Our diversity strengthens our organization and serves our patients well. AAWC members feel proud to display the AAWC Membership Certificate and explain to patients and colleagues why our collaboration is so important.
As you will see within this issue, much recognition and appreciation is due to our steadfast volunteers and staff, as well as to our collaborating organizations and generous corporate partners. Abounding contributions have been made by so many, which has led to increased productivity and monumental successes over the years.
As we advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds, the AAWC continues to listen to the voices of our members regarding financial constraints. We understand many belong to more than one professional society. Therefore, membership dues for students and retirees remain very modest, and we pay tribute to our veterans and military health care personnel by cutting their fees in half. Clinician dues were discounted by 20% years ago and have not been raised since that time. This has allowed many professionals not only to access year-long benefits, but also to attend SAWC Spring, SAWC Fall, and other meetings/conferences and earn much-needed continuing education credits at significant discounts. In fact, the reduced rate on just 1 SAWC registration per year as an AAWC member can cover a year or more of annual dues.
We warmly welcome people with wounds and their lay-caregivers to become members of our Wounds In Need (WIN!) community. Membership is free for life and provides much education and support. Signing up patients via the AAWC website is quick and easy. Please feel free to contact me personally with questions at
Our diverse, interprofessional membership and the patients we serve are the shared inspiration of so many of us at the AAWC. The Association has flourished — both steadily growing membership and significantly increasing sponsorship support. With membership approaching 2,300 and with twice as many industry sponsors in 2015, I hope you will join me in recognizing these accomplishments by making the decision to join AAWC today.
This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.