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From the Top: AAWC Coming of Age

Let’s raise a glass to AAWC’s twenty-first anniversary, September 18, 2016! I’ve enjoyed working with the organization’s leadership and members for nearly 18 years. As I look enthusiastically to the future of our Association, I am grateful to the hard-working volunteer members and our staff. These individuals have contributed time and talent to accomplish goals, achieve current objectives and set the path for AAWC to continue to make history in the years to come.

Please take a moment to reflect on our mission as an organization: to advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds. Because of our diversity, our organization is strong  and our valued clinicians, educators, researchers and others. Clinician members should feel proud to display the AAWC Membership Certificate in their offices and waiting rooms; I encourage you to explain to patients and colleagues why our teamwork (and membership in the AAWC) is so important. If you are not yet a member, please complete and return the membership application on page 28 of this issue or join online at 

Recognition and appreciation are due not only to our steadfast volunteers and staff, but also to our collaborating organizations and generous corporate partners. Their contributions have ensured our productivity and success over the last year… indeed, over the past 21 years! 

Membership has grown year after year. Our modest dues include (but are not limited to) discounted rates for veterans and active duty military, students, and retirees, and membership for people with wounds and their lay-caregivers is complimentary for life. Our Wounds In Need (WIN) community strives to make “win-win” situations, and our WIN task force is dedicated to serving your needs. Please contact me personally with questions about any membership type and the plentiful benefits that come along with it at  

When I ask long-time members why they have stayed with the AAWC (even after retirement), often the reasons go beyond the savings, networking, programs, and benefits. Members enjoy giving back and feeling at home and members refer to the AAWC as “my wound care family.” We are grateful for your support and for helping the AAWC advance the practice of wound care. 


This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.