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AAWC Update

AAWC Celebration at SAWC Spring a huge success!

  Founding President Evonne Fowler, RN, CWCN, took the crown on behalf of “Team Evonne” at the AAWC Celebration: Membership Meeting and Auction at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC Spring) in Denver, Colorado.

  The AAWC raised nearly $8,500 from individual and corporate donors. There were several ways to be involved, including the AAWC Silent Auction, placing bids on wound care experts who participated in events, and other fundraising efforts such as “Team Evonne Fowler” and “Team Rob Kirsner” pins, preferred seating, and Find the Golden Ticket candy bars. Congratulations to the winning team and team supporters and to those who won a free membership by finding one of three golden tickets. All proceeds from the AAWC Celebration have been allocated to the AAWC Scholarship Fund.

  Special recognition goes to “Team Evonne Fowler” and “Team Rob Kirsner” for their team spirit and help with fundraising by competing in wound care events on contact casting, negative pressure wound therapy, and compression. In addition, special thanks to the Celebration Planning Taskforce: Chair —Teresa Conner Kerr, PhD, PT — and Ali Bairos, MD; Barbara Bates-Jensen, PhD, RN; Greg Bohn, MD; Tod Brindle, MSN, RN; Renee Cordrey, PT, PhD(c); Mary Haddow, RN-BC; and Pamela Scarborough, MS, PT. Also, Joseph McCulloch, PT, CWS and Dot Weir, RN, CWCN (as well as others mentioned above) participated in the wound care events that were very entertaining to watch.   Last but not least, the AAWC is grateful to our Corporation Auction Sponsors and Donors:
    • WoundExpert
    • Derma Sciences
    • MTI
    • KCI
    • Smith & Nephew
    • HMP Communications, LLC

  Read more about the Celebration and view photos of the events on the AAWC page on Facebook.

Mary Haddow, RN-BC, CWCN, named 2013 AAWC Distinguished Member

  For her excellent work as Chair of the Public Awareness Task Force, Mary Haddow, RN-BC, CWCN, was presented the 2013 AAWC Distinguished Member Award at the Membership Meeting held during the AAWC Celebration at SAWC Spring in May. Mary led the task force to develop three patient-focused educational brochures, two of which are based on the Association’s clinical guidelines for pressure ulcers and venous ulcers. Mary also was part of the task force in earlier years when it developed the AAWC’s first brochure on skin and wound care. All four patient brochures have been translated into Spanish and are available on the AAWC website. Mary has been a member since 2000, has served on the AAWC Board of Directors, and most recently volunteered as 2013 AAWC Silent Auction Chair. The silent auction raised approximately $3,800 for the AAWC Scholarship Fund.

SAWC Fall Nursing Scholarship for free registration: applications due by July 15

  The SAWC Fall conference is being held in Las Vegas, NV, September 27–29. View details at

  Through a partnership with the SAWC conference, the AAWC has been selected as the organization to choose the Bi-Annual SAWC Nursing Scholarship winners. All nurses who are AAWC Members are eligible to apply. This scholarship provides the winner complimentary conference registration (a $500 value) and recognition during the SAWC Scholarship Ceremony at the conference.

  Criteria for the SAWC Spring Nursing Scholarship:
    • Must be a nurse and a member of the AAWC for one full year before applying for the SAWC Nursing Scholarship
    • Must have made a contribution to the field (eg, research, poster submission, community outreach, spreading AAWC awareness), and/or have served on an AAWC committee or task force, and/or have made a significant contribution to an AAWC project or program in the past
    • Must currently be practicing in the field of wound care and answer a series of questions listed on the application found at
    • Must indicate on the application that attendance is somewhat dependent upon financial assistance and that if awarded the scholarship, he/she will be able to fund his/her own travel and lodging

  To apply: Please download the application form found on the middle of the AAWC’s homepage,, fill in the answers, and send to by July 15.

  How applicants will be notified: One nurse will be selected for this award. If you apply, you will receive status of the award by the end of business on Friday, August 9. Please note that the cut off for the SAWC Early Bird discount is the following Friday, August 16. Should you not win, you will still have the chance to register for SAWC Fall at the early bird rate while using your 20% AAWC Membership Discount for additional savings.

  Super Savings: Whether or not you are planning on applying for this award, please remember to register by June 16 for Super Savings, the best overall discount offered. These savings can be combined with your AAWC 20% off discount! It’s like getting membership and a year of benefits for free!

  Not a member? Dues are only $115; $60 for students. Join now to be eligible to apply next year. You won’t regret your choice once you experience all of the benefits.

AAWC is the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation. Be sure to join AAWC on Facebook and LinkedIn.

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.