AAWC Update
The 2nd Annual AAWC Celebration: Membership Meeting and Auction. Help Wanted!
The AAWC is planning its 2nd Annual AAWC Celebration: Membership Meeting and Auction at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC), May 1–5, 2013, in Denver, CO. The celebration is scheduled for May 3, 5:00 to 7:00 pm. All auction proceeds benefit the AAWC Scholarship Fund.
The event will include a unique, live auction complete with auctioneer, as well as a silent auction. We invite you to participate in the planning by donating items or reaching out to your contacts and local businesses for contributions — think artwork, jewelry, electronics, novelty items, or gift cards to national chain businesses and restaurants. Themed goody baskets are also welcome; for example, you could create a basket that shares your culture or features goods related to your state. Do you enjoy music or art? A basket of music- or art-related items would surely attract bids. Another idea is to talk to your industry representatives and ask for them to donate products or services. If you would prefer to make a tax-deductible cash donation to the event, we can certainly use the support! All AAWC Members receive a special gift for attending the celebration, along with a chance to win valuable door prizes. Plan to get involved even if you cannot attend SAWC Spring.
Please contact Lyn Donze at ldonze@aawconline.org with your donation ideas and to make arrangements for handling of donations. Please provide all donations to the silent auction to the AAWC Business Office by March 31.
Memorial Award Established to Honor the Memory of Dr. Robert A. Warriner, III
To honor the memory of the late Dr. Robert A. Warriner III, the AAWC has established a new annual scholarship of $1,000 to be awarded to worthy AAWC members.
Scholarship applicants must be seeking education and/or research support for the pursuit of excellence in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, and amputation prevention. Persons who have made a substantial impact on the lives of patients with these conditions also are eligible for this award.
The 2013 AAWC Scholarship Program will open on May 1, and applications will be accepted through August 31. In addition to the new memorial award, the AAWC offers scholarships for education (both learning and teaching) and travel. Up to $7,500 is currently being awarded to members each year.
Learn more at www.aawconline.org/scholarships.
New Category of Membership for VA and Active Military Now Includes US Commissioned Corps*
The AAWC is proud to honor those who defend our country through active military service, as well as those who care for our US veterans through employment within the VA Healthcare System. The AAWC also recognizes those who protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation through service in the US Commissioned Corps (the federal uniformed officers of the US Public Health Service). AAWC dues are offered at half price to members of this new category; healthcare workers under the umbrella of the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs also are eligible. “Active Duty” is described by the US Department of Defense as full-time duty in the active military service of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines). This includes members of the Reserve Components serving on active duty or full-time training duty. For the purpose of membership, the AAWC is including the National Guard, as well as the full-time uniformed officers of the US Public Health Service (Commissioned Corps). US Military civilian healthcare workers are also included in this membership category.
The AAWC seeks to help meet the unique needs of this new section of membership. Please spread the word to persons who could benefit from the camaraderie found within our multidisciplinary, professional wound care organization. We are dedicated to serving the profession and providing optimal healing for those with wounds.
For more information, visit www.aawconline.org. *If you joined AAWC before this category was available and need your status changed, please call (866) 229-2999 or email info@aawconline.org.
AAWC is the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation. Be sure to Join AAWC on Facebook and LinkedIn.
This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.