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AAWC Update

AAWC Patient and Caregiver Newsletter

The Association continues to support patients and caregivers by providing complimentary lifetime membership. The working group leading these efforts, the Wounds In Need (WIN) Task Force, supports these members and publishes a patient-focused quarterly newsletter that addresses AAWC WIN goals, activities, and accomplishments. This publication also provides education and wound care articles in line with Health Literacy parameters. The WIN team is currently working on the 2015 summer edition of the WIN Newsletter. The spring edition is now available on the AAWC website at

Also available on this webpage is an AAWC WIN free membership sign-up sheet, designed to be placed in office waiting rooms for patients and caregivers to join as part of this unique membership category. Please contact Karen Strauss at for more information.


Educational Wound and Skin Care Brochures

The Association continues to provide current, evidence-based education for the public. The newly revised ABCs of Wound Care brochure has been released. This pamphlet, as well as 3 other brochures (Dress and Compress for Success, Take the Pressure Off, and The Skin You’re In) are available free for download or for purchase on the AAWC website. The AAWC store offers all of these quality brochures professionally printed on trifold glossy paper. To order, visit


AAWC 20th Anniversary Celebration Continues at SAWC Fall

Join the AAWC at SAWC Fall in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace from September 26–28, where the highest level of clinical education and information will be provided to physicians, podiatrists, nurses, physical therapists, and other allied health professionals.

As AAWC’s official meeting site, this conference provides exceptional educational opportunities and a chance to join AAWC in commemorating its 20th anniversary. Plan to attend the AAWC’s 20th Anniversary Membership Meeting and visit the AAWC Booth (#603). Take away applications, free samples, and memorabilia and purchase the 20th anniversary polo shirt.

AAWC members receive a 20% discount on registration to the Symposium, which can cover annual dues. If you are not already a member, please join today to be eligible for these and other benefits by visiting the AAWC website, 


AAWC Annual Report

The 2015 AAWC Annual Report is scheduled for release this summer. This year’s issue is full of information about accomplishments over the past year. AAWC volunteer chairs report on specific activities taking place with the hope of generating additional interest and involvement in AAWC activities. Getting involved requires a current AAWC membership and a desire to help with  a particular project. There are many programs you can support that help us in our mission. The AAWC Annual Report will be emailed to members and will be available on the home page of the AAWC website at at the end of August.

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.