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AAWC Update

Membership Continues Upward Trend

  AAWC membership increased by 20% over the last year. Thank you for your commitment to the AAWC. If you are not yet a member, now is a great time to join. Here’s why:

    Clinician dues remain low. The AAWC’s low clinician dues are a recognized and value-added perk of AAWC clinician membership this past year. Dues will remain $115 (as opposed to $145) — a 20% savings. We also have great rates for students and retirees. Corporations and healthcare facilities also are encouraged to be part of AAWC. Individuals with wounds and lay-caregivers can join our Wounds In Need (WIN) network free of charge to access resources and help them take a proactive role in care. These specially designated categories help make the most of membership.     New membership category for the VA and active duty military. The AAWC is proud to support persons who defend our country through active military service or care for our US veterans through employment within the VA Healthcare System. All healthcare employees of the US Department of Veterans Affairs and US military, as well as those in active duty, pay only half the cost of clinician dues. The US Department of Defense describes “Active Duty” as full-time duty in the active military service of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines). This includes members of the Reserve Components serving on active duty or full-time training duty. For the purpose of membership, the AAWC has expanded this definition to include full-time National Guard duty.

    The SAWC connection. When you provide your AAWC membership number when you register for the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring in Denver, May 1–5, the 20% savings you receive as an AAWC member can completely cover the dues you pay and more. You’ll then enjoy a whole year of financial benefits, news, alerts, products, and programs, including another 20% discount to the SAWC Fall in Las Vegas. Membership in the AAWC has saved members hundreds of dollars per year, as well as provided intangible benefits, governmental and regulatory alerts, and personal access to experts in the field.

    Discount to attend the Wound Certification Prep Course™. AAWC members are offered a 25% discount to the Wound Certification Prep Course™, which is held just before the SAWC Spring in Denver. Consider adding this course to your itinerary or attend just this 2-day preparatory course. For more information, visit

  Visit for more information.

  The AAWC is the leader in interdisciplinary wound healing and tissue preservation.

  Be sure to follow the AAWC on Facebook and LinkedIn!

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.


