AAWC Update
Financial Aid Available for AAWC Global Volunteers
AAWC Global Volunteers is a program designed to bring the basic science of wound care to North America and developing countries across the globe. In December 2006, the AAWC formed its first strategic partnership with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) in order to provide logistical support to volunteers who wish to teach wound management around the world. Current sites include HVO Wound and Lymphedema Management Programs in Peru, Cambodia, India, and Haiti. Recently, the AAWC provided a large grant to HVO to help offset AAWC volunteer travel cost to these locations. Please visit www.hvousa.org for information about funding that is specifically designated for AAWC Members. Become an “AAWC Global Volunteer” today!
SAWC Spring Offers 31 Credits and Discounted Registration Rates for Members
Reconnect with your wound care colleagues at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring, which will be held April 24-27* at the Gaylord Palms, Orlando, FL. If you’ve attended the SAWC before, you know the value of being reenergized from 4 days of conference sessions and events, returning home with great information to share with your coworkers, and making a difference in the lives of your patients. If you’ve never been to the SAWC, there’s no better time to visit sunny Orlando. You’ll have the opportunity to network with AAWC members, strengthen your professional resource pool, and learn about up-to-date
science, best clinical practice, and the leading industry products and services. Learn more at www.sawcspring.com.
*Please note the Wound Healing Society portion of the conference begins a day earlier, April 23.
AAWC Members Receive a 15% Discount on the Wound Certification Prep Course™
Beginning in March 2014, the Wound Certification Prep Course™ (WCPC) will be offered in 10 major United States cities throughout the year. The WCPC is an in-depth, 2-day preparatory course for clinicians interested in preparing for wound certification examinations, making a major career move, gaining a better understanding of wound care, earning up to 17 CME/CE credits, and enhancing professional standing and employment potential.
What’s more, AAWC members receive a 15% discount on registration fees. If you plan to attend the WCPC co-located with SAWC Spring in Orlando (April 22-23) or SAWC Fall in Las Vegas (October 14-15), and you also register for the SAWC conference, you will save $100 off of your prep course registration, along with the 15% membership discount. Please have your AAWC membership I.D. number ready when you register at www.woundprepcourse.com or call (800) 237-7285 ext. 233.
AAWC 2014 Board of Directors Elections Winners to be Announced at SAWC Spring
Elections closed February 24. Board members will attend the Annual Board of Directors Meeting and will officially take office at the Annual AAWC Membership Meeting. These meetings are held in conjunction with our official conference, the SAWC, in April. To all who voted, thank you for helping determine the future leaders of the AAWC. Please look for an official announcement regarding all transitioning members of the AAWC Board of Directors in May.
Update on the AAWC Shire Fellowship Grants in Wound Healing and Research
The AAWC is pleased to award two $50,000 fellowship support grants for the 2014-2015 academic year. Made possible by an unrestricted grant from Shire, the grants will provide salary and benefit support for two physician fellows (MD, DO, DPM) who will conduct research in settings that are dedicated to the multidisciplinary approach to wound care. Winners will be announced at the SAWC Opening Ceremony on April 24.
Education for the Generalist
In coordination with the AAWC Corporate Advisory Panel (CAP), the AAWC is developing an “access portal” where you and your colleagues will be able to obtain wound care accredited education. This education is intended to help new wound care practitioners and non-wound care specialists (or generalists) learn the most current, evidence-based practices in wound care. Based on a wound care pathway, the educational links will be accessed at www.aawconline.org/education-for-the-generalist.
The AAWC is offering an 11 x 17, patient-focused, educational poster for free from the online store. A small shipping/handling fee is all that is required. Order your poster today at www.aawconline.org and help your patients participate in their wound prevention and care.
About the AAWC: As the leading interprofessional organization dedicated to advancing the care of people with and at risk for wounds, AAWC provides a whole year of valuable benefits! Be sure to join us for near daily updates and alerts on Facebook and LinkedIn. This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.