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AAWC Update

AAWC Annual Report Released

  The AAWC Annual Report was emailed to all members in early September and is contained in the AAWC’s online members-only area. It also will be available to the public for a limited period of time from the AAWC homepage, Please take the time to read about the many worthwhile endeavors in which the AAWC is involved within various communities, our nation, and the world. Additionally, learn about the financial and other benefits that wound care professionals enjoy, including discounts, educational tools, members-only programs, networking, and leadership opportunities.   Excerpts from the 17-page AAWC Annual Report include the following announcements:

  AAWC President Robert Snyder, DPM, MSc, CWS, addressed the organization, thanking all involved for working diligently over the last year and making his term as President so enjoyable. Proud that the AAWC has completed its previous 5-year strategic plan a year early, Snyder announced that the Board planned to meet in late September 2013 to create a new 5-year plan to help further the AAWC’s vision of global recognition as the leading, interprofessional organization in the United States, enhancing the universal acceptance and availability of optimal wound care. Future plans will be announced to members when they are finalized.

  Dr. Snyder also addressed a few of organization’s key focuses during his presidency. The organization has placed an additional focus on diabetic foot and limb preservation. One result of these efforts is the current development of diabetic foot ulcer care guidelines. Dr. Snyder also mentioned the organization’s commitment to meeting the medical needs of patients in the US, describing the AAWC’s collaborative discussions with Indian Health Services. Dr. Snyder also cited the AAWC’s work with the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) and the Australian Wound Management Association (AWMA) to develop a paper on the multidisciplinary approach to wound care.

  Dr. Snyder announced that the AAWC is able to provide two fellowship support grants for the 2014-2015 academic year, made possible by an unrestricted grant from Shire. The grants will provide support for two (2) physician fellows (MD, DO, DPM) who will study wound management and conduct research in academic, clinical, and/or research settings that are dedicated to the multidisciplinary approach to wound care. More information and an application can be found at Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2014.

  AAWC Executive Director Tina Thomas described her enthusiasm regarding the organization’s continued unprecedented 60% membership growth. Thomas recognized a few key reasons for sustaining higher levels of membership each year despite the economic challenges, including reducing dues for clinician members. The AAWC continues a reduced rate for clinicians and other healthcare professionals that is more than 20% lower than it was a few years ago. Students and retirees continue to receive a discount as well. Also, this past year the organization added a membership category for VA and military healthcare personnel, who pay half-price for annual dues. Thomas gave much recognition to board members, volunteers, staff, collaborating organizations, and corporate partners for “their abounding contributions” to the AAWC’s success.

  AAWC Treasurer Teresa Conner-Kerr, PhD, PT, CWS, CLT, described the financial standing of the association as strong. Dr. Conner-Kerr detailed information on the association’s accounts, revenues, expenditures, and careful budgeting practices. Of special note: a unique AAWC Membership Celebration at SAWC Spring in May 2013 in Denver collected donations to the Scholarship Fund exceeding $8,500, which will help to provide additional scholarships to members in the near future.

  Past Board Member and AAWC Global Volunteers (GV) Chair Thomas Serena, MD, announced that the barriers to traveling overseas have been dramatically reduced and that funding exists through the GV program to help offset travel costs. Dr. Serena explained that volunteering is a priceless AAWC membership benefit that can have life-changing consequences for those who give, as well as those who receive. Anyone interested in volunteering is urged to visit the GV page at the AAWC website to learn more.

  The year in review offers many additional updates regarding association projects, including educational initiatives, regulatory affairs, board/governance development efforts, and the creation of clinical guidelines. Also highlighted are the AAWC’s Speakers Bureau and online Career Center. All readers are encouraged to visit to access the full report near the bottom of the page and to learn more about membership.

Call for Nominations for the 2014 AAWC Board of Directors

  The AAWC Call for Nominations to the AAWC Board of Directors is taking place now through November 21, 2013. All active members received an official email with complete information on how to nominate a qualified candidate (which includes self-nomination) on September 26, 2013. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Laurie Hiltebeitel at

  Board Member duties. AAWC Board Members have responsibilities that require a great deal of time and effort. We call on them throughout the year to make policies and other decisions, so it is important to be active and participate. Although election to the board is an honor, it is in no sense honorary. Please keep the following points in mind:
    • Board members take leadership roles as officers, committee chairs, and/or liaisons to other organizations.
    • Board members actively assist in developing and maintaining relationships with collaborating organizations, corporations, and other entities or agencies.
    • All board nominees must be AAWC members in good standing for at least one year before taking office (or since April 25, 2013).

  Those elected are expected to attend their first board meeting, which will be held in conjunction with SAWC Spring, April 24-27, 2014 (the board meeting is typically the day before the conference begins). Board members officially take office at the AAWC Annual Membership Meeting held during SAWC Spring on April 25, 2014.

  If you know an AAWC member who is interested in serving on the board, please ask his/her permission first and then nominate him/her. If you are interested in serving the AAWC, please feel free to nominate yourself.

  There are seven open seats for the AAWC board for the 2014-2015 term.

Executive Committee:

Board Members:
  Physical Therapist

  After November 21, the AAWC Nominating Committee will review all nominations received, conduct interviews, and develop a slate of board candidates. In January, members will receive official email notification regarding the slate of candidates and instructions for online voting.

AAWC is the leader in interprofessional wound healing and tissue preservation. Be sure to join us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

This article was not subject to the Ostomy Wound Management peer-review process.