AAWC 2017 Annual Report released
The AAWC Annual Report has been released and is available on the AAWC website at https://aawconline.memberclicks.net. It is packed with information and news related to project and program development.
Excerpts from the AAWC Annual Report include updates from volunteer task forces and committees, such as the AAWC Public Awareness Task Force and the Education Committee. In the President’s Message, Greg Bohn, MD, UHM/ABPM, MAPWCA, FACHM, reported on the changes in wound care and within the AAWC. In addition, Board member Caroline Fife, MD, CWS, FUHM, provided valuable information on Quality Measures.
Call for Nominations for the 2018 AAWC Board of Directors
The AAWC Call for Nominations to the AAWC Board of Directors is taking place through October 29, 2017. All active members received an official email with complete information on how to nominate a qualified candidate (including self-nomination) on October 5, 2017.
The 6 open seats for the 2018-2019 term include:
Executive Committee:
Board Members:
Physical Therapist
AAWC Board members have responsibilities that require a great deal of time and effort. The AAWC calls on them throughout the year to make policies and other decisions, so it is important to be actively involved. Election to the board is an honor; it is in no sense honorary. Please keep the following points in mind:
1. Board members take leadership roles as officers, committee chairs, and/or liaisons to other organizations.
2. Board members actively assist in developing and maintaining relationships with collaborating organizations, corporations, and other entities or agencies.
3. In general, each board member works to get the job done.
4. All board nominees must be AAWC members in good standing for at least 1 year before taking office (or since April 27, 2017).
5. Those elected are expected to attend their first board meeting, which is held in conjunction with SAWC Spring/Wound Healing Society meeting, April 25–29, 2018. The board meeting will be held on April 25, 2018. Those elected will receive 6-weeks’ notice in order to make plans to attend. Board members officially take office at the AAWC Annual Membership Meeting to be held during SAWC Spring on April 27, 2018.
If you know of an AAWC member who is interested in serving on the board, please ask his/her permission first and then make the nomination. If you are interested in serving the AAWC, please feel free to nominate yourself.
After October 29, 2017, the AAWC Nominating and Board Development Committee will review all nominations received, conduct interviews, and develop a slate of candidates. In January, members will receive official email notification regarding the slate of candidates and instructions for online voting. Elections will take place through January 29, 2018 and candidates will be notified about the status of their election by mid-February.
Please contact Laurie Hiltebeitel at info@aawconline.org with questions or for more information.
Not quite ready for Board service but want to volunteer on a committee or task force?
Feeling energized and want to be a part of the AAWC action (this could be the first step toward serving on the AAWC Board of Directors)? There are many ways to become involved and many of our task forces do not require lengthy terms of service or extensive hours. To learn more about the opportunities, visit https://aawconline.memberclicks.net/volunteer.
International Consolidated Venous Ulcer Guidelines are now available
The International Consolidated Venous Ulcer Guidelines Task Force is proud to announce the release the new International Consolidated Venous Ulcer Guidelines (ICVUG). The guidelines can be found on the AAWC website at https://aawconline.memberclicks.net/resources.
The AAWC, Wound Healing Society, Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapists, and AMCICHAC (Mexican Association for Wound Care) have worked together to transform the former AAWC Venous Ulcer “Guideline of Guidelines” into the ICVUG. The new guidelines harmonize venous ulcer management and outcomes across specialties and borders.
SAWC Fall 2017 scholarship winners
Through partnership with SAWC and HMP, the AAWC is honored to have had the opportunity to select AAWC members to receive SAWC Fall Physician and Nursing Scholarships. The scholarships provide members with free registration to the conference (a $500 value). The latest winners include: Dana Baldwin, RN, CHWS (SAWC Nursing Scholarship) and Shrunjay R. Patel, DPM (SAWC Physician Scholarship).
Members can apply for the award by submitting an application, which will be available on the home page of the AAWC website in November.
About AAWC
AAWC is the largest, not-for-profit membership organization in the United States dedicated to interprofessional wound healing and tissue preservation. AAWC’s mission is to advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. AAWC offers membership and associated benefits to everyone involved in wound care, including clinicians and other healthcare professionals, patients, lay-caregivers, clinics/facilities, corporations, students, retirees, and advocates. Learn more about financial and other benefits, activities and programs, and/or join at aawconline.memberclicks.net.