AAWC Scholarship Program
The 2017 AAWC Scholarship Program opened in January and applications are being accepted through August 31. This year, funds distributed among the recipients increased from $6500 to $9000. AAWC members in good standing for 1 year can apply for teaching, learning, and travel grants for worthy endeavors that reflect the organization’s mission. Please visit the AAWC website at https://aawconline.org/scholarships/ to learn more about this program and how to prepare a quality application for submission.
AAWC Global Volunteers Travel Scholarships
Through a strategic partnership with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO), the AAWC offers members the opportunity to teach wound management around the globe. Funding is available from the AAWC for volunteers who participate in the HVO Wound and Lymphedema programs. Qualified volunteers are AAWC members who are involved in providing advanced, evidence-based wound care, including edema/lymphedema management. Previous clinical or academic teaching experience is preferred but not required.
Current HVO Wound and Lymphedema Management Program sites include Cambodia, India, and Haiti. Please visit www.hvousa.org to inquire about travel scholarships. If you not a member and want to travel as part of the AAWC Global Volunteers program, please join the AAWC today at https://aawconline.memberclicks.net.
Inaugural veterans event at the SAWC
The AAWC has a special membership category for veterans/VA and Active Duty Military. These AAWC members were invited to a unique networking meeting at SAWC Spring this past April. The event was a great success; attendees can be viewed at https://aawconline.org/va-event-at-sawc/. The AAWC plans to continue this event biannually at SAWC Fall.
The VA and Active Duty Military membership is for health care employees of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and active duty US military. The US Department of Defense describes active duty as full-time duty in the active military service of the US (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines). This includes members of the Reserve Components serving on active duty or full-time training duty. For the purpose of membership, the AAWC is including the National Guard, as well as the uniformed officers of the US Public Health Service (Commissioned Corps). US Military civilian health care workers also are included in this membership category.
Save the date: AAWC Regional Meeting
The AAWC is proud to announce plans for the first regional meeting, “AAWC Pressure Ulcer Summit: Interpretation and Clinical Application of Current Evidence for Pressure Ulcers.” The regional meeting is taking place November 10-11, 2017 at the Marriott Gateway in Atlanta GA. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this informative meeting.
About AAWC
AAWC is the largest, not-for-profit membership organization in the United States dedicated to interprofessional wound healing and tissue preservation. AAWC’s mission is to advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. AAWC offers membership and associated benefits to everyone involved in wound care, including clinicians and other healthcare professionals, patients, lay-caregivers, clinics/facilities, corporations, students, retirees, and advocates. Learn more about financial and other benefits, activities and programs, and/or join at www.aawconline.org.