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AAWC Board of Directors Election Results Announced at SAWC Spring

The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) announced the 2015 AAWC Board of Directors election results at the AAWC Membership Meeting held at SAWC Spring on May 1.

Newly-elected board members include returning Physician Board Member Greg Bohn, MD, FACS, ABPM/UHM; Physical Therapist Board Member Scott LaRaus, PT, DPT, CWS; and Podiatric Physician Board Member Eric Lullove, DPM, CWS, FACCWS.

Several AAWC Board Members were re-elected to a second term: Barbara Bates-Jensen, PhD, RN, FAAN — Secretary; Ruth Bryant, RN, MS, CWOCN — Nurse Board Member; Linda Cowan, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC, CWS — Research Board Member; Caroline Fife, MD, CWS, FUHM — Physician Board Member; Jennifer Hurlow, MSN, GNP-BC, WOCN — Nurse Board Member; and Linda Pruitt, RN, MS, WOCN/ET — Industry Representative.

Continuing their terms through 2016 are Jan Apelqvist, MD, PhD —International; C. Tod Brindle, MSN, RN, CWOCN — Nurse; Renee Cordrey, PT, PhD(c), MSPT, MPH, CWS — Member-at-Large; Vickie R. Driver, MS, DPM, FACFAS — President; Heather Hettrick, PT, PhD, CWS, CLT, CLWT — Treasurer; Joy Schank, RN, MSN, ANP, CWOCN — Consumer Representative; Robert J. Snyder, DPM, MSc, CWS — Past President; and Hollie Smith-Mangrum, PT, DPT, CWS — Physical Therapy.

The AAWC acknowledges retired Board Members Randall Cook, MD, FACS, CWSP, ABPM/UHM — Physician Board Member; Brandon Hawkins, DPM, CWS — Podiatric Physician Board Member; and Tim Paine, PT, CWS, FCCWS — Physical Therapy Board Member.

Another AAWC membership meeting is scheduled for SAWC Fall, September 26 – 28 in Las Vegas.


Help Improve Consistency of Venous Ulcer Outcomes

The International Consolidated Venous Ulcer Guidelines (ICVUG) Task Force invites you to help improve the consistency and quality of venous ulcer management and outcomes by completing its Content Validation Survey for the new ICVUG.

The AAWC, Wound Healing Society, and the Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapists have transformed the former AAWC Venous Ulcer “Guideline of Guidelines” into the ICVUG by consolidating updated venous ulcer guidelines to harmonize venous ulcer management and outcomes across specialties and borders. You can be part of this historic initiative. Please share your expertise and 1–2 hours of your time by downloading and completing the ICVUG Content Validation Survey, accessible at the AAWC’s homepage,, beginning April 22. Please return the survey no later than August 1 to Lyn Donze at Let your voice be heard in this multidisciplinary effort to unify and improve venous ulcer management and outcomes.


2015 AAWC Distinguished Member Named as well as Three Leadership Awards Given

William J. Ennis, DO, MBA was presented the 2015 AAWC Distinguished Member Award at the AAWC 20th Anniversary Celebration at SAWC Spring in San Antonio, TX. Dr. Ennis is a past president of AAWC; his visionary leadership has resulted in many of the organization’s current successes, such as the AAWC Wounds in Need (WIN) patient advocacy program and the AAWC Corporate Advisory Panel. Additionally, 3 much-deserved Leadership Awards were given during the celebration to Laura Bolton, PhD; Peggy Dotson, RN, BS; and Laurie Rappl, PT, DPT, CWS for continuous leadership, passion, and inspiration in their roles as committee chairs.


2015 AAWC Scholarship Program is Open to Members

The Association has scholarships available for wound care education, teaching, and travel as specified in the scholarship guidelines. The application period ends at the close of business (5 PM EDT) on August 31, 2015. Winners will be notified by October 15. Consideration will be given to support events that may have already been paid for (such as a college course), as well as events that will occur in the near future. If you are not a member, it is not too late to join the AAWC in order to apply for a scholarship. Learn more at


About AAWC

AAWC is the largest, not-for-profit membership organization in the United States dedicated to interprofessional wound healing and tissue preservation. AAWC’s mission is to advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. AAWC offers membership and associated benefits to everyone involved in wound care, including clinicians and other health care professionals, patients, lay-caregivers, clinics/facilities, corporations, students, retirees, and advocates. Learn more about financial and other benefits, activities and programs, and/or join at


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