AAWC 2016 Annual Report Released
The AAWC Annual Report is available on the AAWC site at https://aawconline.org/. It is packed with information and news related to project and program development. Consider joining the AAWC to stay in the know all year and to take advantage of many financial and professional benefits, including discounts, educational tools, members-only programs, and networking and leadership opportunities.
Excerpts from the AAWC Annual Report include updates from volunteer committees and task forces, such as the Healthcare Public Policy Committee and the AAWC International Consolidated Guidelines Task Force. In the President’s Message, Greg Bohn, MD, FACS, ABPM/UHM, CWSP, FACHM reported on the EWMA Council meeting and noted the value of diversity within the AAWC and the importance of getting involved with the Association. Executive Director Tina Thomas’ report noted AAWC’s dedication to its mission and continued membership growth, and she expressed appreciation to all those who contributed to AAWC programs in the past year.
Call for Nominations for the 2017 AAWC Board of Directors
The AAWC is accepting nominations to its Board through October 30, 2016. All active members have received an official email with complete information on how to nominate a qualified candidate (which includes self-nomination). The 9 open seats for the AAWC board for the 2017-2019 term include Secretary of the Executive Committee, and Board Members (Industry, Nurse [2], Physician [2], Physical Therapist, Podiatric Physician, and Research). AAWC Board Member responsibilities require a great deal of time and effort and include making policy and other decisions. Board members must be active and participate — election to the board is an honor, but it is in no sense honorary. Please keep the following points in mind:
- Board members take leadership roles as officers, committee chairs, and/or liaisons to other organizations.
- Board members actively assist in developing and maintaining relationships with collaborating organizations, corporations, and other entities or agencies.
- In general, each board member works to get the job done.
- All board nominees must be AAWC members in good standing for at least 1 year before taking office (or since April 7, 2016).
- Those elected are expected to attend their first AAWC meeting, held in conjunction with SAWC Spring, April 5–9, 2017, in San Diego, CA. (Currently, SAWC Spring is a joint meeting with the Wound Healing Society [WHS]). The board meeting will be held on April 5. Board members officially take office at the AAWC Annual Membership Meeting to be held April 7. Those elected will receive 6 weeks’ notice in order to make plans to attend.
If you know an AAWC member who is interested in serving on the board, please ask his/her permission first and then nominate him/her. You also may nominate yourself.
After October 30, 2016, the AAWC Nominating and Board Development Committee will review all nominations received, conduct interviews, and develop a slate of candidates. In January, members will receive official email notification regarding the slate of candidates and instructions for online voting. Elections will take place through early February, and candidates will be notified about the status of their election by mid-February.
Please contact Laurie Hiltebeitel at info@aawconline.org with questions or for more information.
SAWC Fall 2016 Scholarship Winners
Through partnership with SAWC and HMP Communications, the AAWC is honored to have had the opportunity to select AAWC members to receive SAWC Fall Physician and Nursing Scholarships. The scholarships provide members with free registration to the conference (a $500 value). The latest winners were recognized at the Poster Gala at SAWC Fall in Las Vegas: Nursing — AAWC Member April Qualley, NP-C, CWON-AP; and Physician — AAWC Member Brock Liden, DPM.
Apply for free registration to the SAWC Spring by submitting your application, found on the home page of www.aawconline.org. Please complete the application no later than November 4. Winners will be announced by November 18 so persons who are not selected still have time to register at the super saver rate for SAWC Spring, which ends December 2.
About AAWC
AAWC is the largest, not-for-profit membership organization in the United States dedicated to interprofessional wound healing and tissue preservation. AAWC’s mission is to advance the care of people with and at risk for wounds. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. AAWC offers membership and associated benefits to everyone involved in wound care, including clinicians and other healthcare professionals, patients, lay-caregivers, clinics/facilities, corporations, students, retirees, and advocates. Learn more about financial and other benefits, activities and programs, and/or join at www.aawconline.org.
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