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Cook Zilver PTX: Global Data Overview and Evidence-based Outcomes

Charles J. Bailey, MD, RPVI, FSVS


This presentation reviews the Global Data of ZPTX along with the meta analysis of paclitaxel. More importantly, the ZPTX 5-year, "real-world experience" will be examined from the University of South Florida, including gender outcomes.

To learn more about how Zilver PTX can impact your individual patient’s outcomes, please visit our Freedom From TLR Prediction model. The first-of-its-kind tool for a drug-based endovascular device in the SFA allows you to input 15 different patient and lesion characteristics to predict your own patient’s probability of a of freedom from TLR at 5 years if treated with a Zilver PTX stent.

Visit the interactive web-based prediction tool to see how Zilver PTX will help your patients:

Zilver PTX is the only SFA dataset with a fully transparent, patient-level probability of SFA intervention.


