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Session Coverage

Making the Leap to Outpatient Centers: An In-Depth Discussion at ISET
Meeting Exclusives
Hollywood, FL (January 22, 2020) -- With reimbursement pushing an increase in outpatient procedures, the topic of office-based labs, or OBLs, was a hot one at the International Symposium of Endovascular Therapy (ISET) 2020. In a focused...
Hollywood, FL (January 22, 2020) -- With reimbursement pushing an increase in outpatient procedures, the topic of office-based labs, or OBLs, was a hot one at the International Symposium of Endovascular Therapy (ISET) 2020. In a focused...
Hollywood, FL (January 22, 2020)...
Vascular Disease Management
Meeting Exclusives
Jafar Golzarian, MD, and Constantino Peña, MD, spoke in a session dedicated to pulmonary embolism (PE) and filters.
Jafar Golzarian, MD, and Constantino Peña, MD, spoke in a session dedicated to pulmonary embolism (PE) and filters.
Jafar Golzarian, MD, and...
Vascular Disease Management
Meeting Exclusives
Tibio-pedal artery access is being used with increasing frequency in lower-extremity arterial intervention, but it can be “a very complicated thing,” said interventional radiologist Brett Wiechmann, MD. He proposed to offer International...
Tibio-pedal artery access is being used with increasing frequency in lower-extremity arterial intervention, but it can be “a very complicated thing,” said interventional radiologist Brett Wiechmann, MD. He proposed to offer International...
Tibio-pedal artery access is...
Vascular Disease Management
Meeting Exclusives
Two-year findings from the VIRTUS trial of the VICI venous stent (Boston Scientific) showed a primary patency rate of 79.4%. As has been seen in other trials, primary patency was higher in non-thrombotic lesions (94.6%) as compared to...
Two-year findings from the VIRTUS trial of the VICI venous stent (Boston Scientific) showed a primary patency rate of 79.4%. As has been seen in other trials, primary patency was higher in non-thrombotic lesions (94.6%) as compared to...
Two-year findings from the...
Vascular Disease Management
When and How to Treat Patients With Genetic Aortic Disorders by Endovascular Aortic Techniques
Meeting Exclusives
Tilo Kölbel, MD (German Aortic Centre, University Heart Centre Hamburg, Germany) questions the dogma that rejects the use of endovascular treatment of connective tissue disorders, during a session on the latest techniques for endovascular...
Tilo Kölbel, MD (German Aortic Centre, University Heart Centre Hamburg, Germany) questions the dogma that rejects the use of endovascular treatment of connective tissue disorders, during a session on the latest techniques for endovascular...
Tilo Kölbel, MD (German Aortic...
Vascular Disease Management
Pave-and-Crack Technique Update at Seven Years
Meeting Exclusives
A novel endovascular strategy to target severe calcified occlusions, the so-called “pave-and-crack” technique, was the focus of a presentation by Manuela Matschuck, MD, from University Hospital Leipzig.
A novel endovascular strategy to target severe calcified occlusions, the so-called “pave-and-crack” technique, was the focus of a presentation by Manuela Matschuck, MD, from University Hospital Leipzig.
A novel endovascular strategy to...
Vascular Disease Management
A Word of Warning on Lysis Therapy
Meeting Exclusives
“Catheter-directed intra-arterial thrombolysis is a rational and well-used method for therapy of chronic limb ischemia (CLI) patients with thrombotic occlusions of lower extremity arteries or bypass grafts,” said Ulrich Beschorner, MD.
“Catheter-directed intra-arterial thrombolysis is a rational and well-used method for therapy of chronic limb ischemia (CLI) patients with thrombotic occlusions of lower extremity arteries or bypass grafts,” said Ulrich Beschorner, MD.
Vascular Disease Management
Scallops May Offer a Simple Alternative to Branched Devices in the Arch
Meeting Exclusives
Results of the first European prospective, multicenter clinical study of the use of a proximal scallop endograft that accommodates the supraaortic trunks were presented by Jean-Marc Alsac, MD.
Results of the first European prospective, multicenter clinical study of the use of a proximal scallop endograft that accommodates the supraaortic trunks were presented by Jean-Marc Alsac, MD.
Results of the first European...
Vascular Disease Management
‘Incredible Efficacy’ of DES Treatment of Long BTK Lesions
Robert Lookstein, MD (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City) presented 10-year findings of the LONG DES-BTK study of the use of drug-eluting stents (DES) in the treatment of BTK disease.
Robert Lookstein, MD (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City) presented 10-year findings of the LONG DES-BTK study of the use of drug-eluting stents (DES) in the treatment of BTK disease.
Robert Lookstein, MD (Icahn...
Vascular Disease Management
DETOUR Into Long Lesions: A Viable Alternative to Open Fem-Pop Surgery
Meeting Exclusives
Peter Schneider, MD, discussed the latest investigational device exemption (IDE) study of the DETOUR System, dubbed the US IDE DETOUR II Clinical Trial, which is currently recruiting across 37 sites in the U.S., Germany, Poland, and Latvia.
Peter Schneider, MD, discussed the latest investigational device exemption (IDE) study of the DETOUR System, dubbed the US IDE DETOUR II Clinical Trial, which is currently recruiting across 37 sites in the U.S., Germany, Poland, and Latvia.
Peter Schneider, MD, discussed...
Vascular Disease Management


