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Podcast Series

What Employers Need to Know About Population Health

Edan Stanley

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In this 3-part podcast series created in collaboration with the Jefferson College of Population Health, experts address different features of incorporating population health into employee health care strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of their workforce.

Speakers In This Series:

  • Mitch Kaminski, MD, MBA, editor-in-chief, Population Health Learning Network, and population health program director, Jefferson College of Population Health
  • Neil Goldfarb, president and CEO, Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health
  • Michael S Kobernick, MD, MS, CPE, senior medical director, health plan business and lecturer, Jefferson College of Population Health
  • Michele Bildner, MPH, MCHES, project manager, CDC Foundation

Mitch Kaminksi, MD, and Neil GoldfarbImproving the Health of Your Workforce: A New Paradigm for Employers

In part 1, Mitch Kaminski, MD, MBA, and Neil Goldfarb discuss improving the health of your workforce using a population health approach to segment and target interventions. Listen to part 1 here.

Mitch Kaminksi, MD; Neil Goldfarb; Michael S KobernickWhat Does Incorporating Population Health for Your Employees Require?

In part 2, Mitch Kaminski, MD, MBA; Neil Goldfarb, and Michael S Kobernick, MD, MS, CPE, shed light on the requirements for employers to integrate population health management programs into their workforce with a focus on the use of ongoing monitoring and use of metrics. Listen to part 2 here. 

Mitch Kaminski, MD, MBA, Neil Goldfarb, and Michele Bildner, MPH, MCHESPopulation Health Strategies That Work

In part 3, Mitch Kaminski, MD, MBA, Neil Goldfarb, and Michele Bildner, MPH, MCHES, highlight population health intervention strategies that have proven successful without being overly resource intensive. Listen to part 3 here.   


