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Our Partners

Across Population Health Learning Network, we are actively seeking additional partnerships with like-minded organizations. Our partnership types vary from content-sharing initiatives to shared expertise alliances. Our current alliances are listed below:

Jefferson College of Population Health
Mitchell Kaminski, MD, program director of Population Health, Jefferson College of Population Health, serves as the Network’s editor-in-chief as part of a collaborative partnership. In this role, Dr Kaminski provides insight into current trends and major events in the health care industry. Dr Kaminski writes a monthly column for the Network titled “Population Points.”

Featured Partnership_Jefferson College of Population Health


Population Health Colloquium
The Colloquium, November 7-9, 2022, is the foremost gathering of the most influential people in health care transformation. Gain insights on critical business solutions from leaders across the health ecosystem and discover new approaches on the leading edge of innovation. Visit View our coverage here.

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AMCP is the professional association leading the way to help patients get the medications they need at a cost they can afford. AMCP’s diverse membership of pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and professionals in life sciences and biopharmaceutical companies leverage their specialized expertise in clinical evidence and economics to optimize medication benefit design and population health management and help patients access cost-effective and safe medications and other drug therapies. AMCP members improve the lives of nearly 300 million Americans served by private and public health plans, pharmacy benefit management firms, and emerging care models.

AMCP advocates at the national and state level for developing and applying evidence-based medication use strategies that improve access to medication, enhance patient and population health outcomes, and safeguard the wise use of health care dollars.

The industry’s largest specialty pharmacy group contracting and service organization, Asembia, provides comprehensive and cost-effective access to the nation’s $200+ billion specialty pharmacy industry. Asembia offers pharmacy providers, manufacturers, health plans and wholesale distributors a total channel management solution through customized patient programs, prescription data management services, online platforms, and unique cost-effective purchasing agreements for specialty pharmacy products. Asembia is also the founder and host of the nation’s largest annual Specialty Pharmacy Summit.

ECRI Institute
An independent nonprofit organization, ECRI Institute's mission is to benefit patient care by promoting the highest standards of safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness in healthcare. ALTC is strategically aligned with the Patient Safety, Risk, and Quality (PSRQ)-Aging Services team at ECRI Institute in order to bring readers periodic articles on topics in risk management, quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI), and safety for persons served throughout the aging services continuum.

GeriPal - a Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog 
A forum for discourse, recent news and research, and freethinking commentary, GeriPal's objectives are: 1) to create an online community of interdisciplinary providers interested in geriatrics or palliative care; 2) to provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas and disruptive commentary that changes clinical practice and health care policy; and 3) to change the world. They aim to be inclusive and welcome the perspectives of generalists, specialists, gerontologists, palliative care clinicians, and anyone else interested in care of the older adults or palliative care. GeriPal was created with the support of the Division of Geriatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, but its content is strictly the work of its authors and has no affiliation with or support from any organization or institution.



