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Getting the Diagnosis Right: How Clinicians Can Best Listen to Their Patients

At this year's Psych Congress in New Orleans, Louisiana, Sara Schley, MBA, CEO and co-founder of Seed Systems and peer support advocate, shared her perspective as a patient with long-misdiagnosed bipolar disorder and the toll those misdiagnoses and improper treatments took on her. Since it takes an average of 11 years to be correctly diagnosed, Schley says, she wants clinicians to learn from her story and approach diagnoses differently. Her key suggestion? Clinicians listening to their patients and their stories.

Be sure to reserve your spot now for Psych Congress 2023 and join us in Nashville, Tennessee, next September! For more news and insights from this year's conference, visit the newsroom.

Sara Schley, MBA, is the author of the acclaimed memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum. She is a business consultant, speaker, and author who has led organizational transformations at renowned companies worldwide. She is a mother, grandmother, and community leader and has been married to a great guy for 26 years. She is also on the bipolar spectrum. Sara has kept this mostly a secret for 4 decades. Now, she is choosing to tell her riveting story—from broken to blessed—to save lives, end stigma, and optimize healing for millions.

Sara is also the leader of Seed Systems, an international consulting collaborative she founded in 1994 to create a regenerative, inclusive, and kinder world. She has worked with over 50 enterprises and thousands of individuals in every sector. A social change entrepreneur, Sara co-founded several networks including The SoL Sustainability Consortium, Women in Power, and most recently, WeTheChange.

Read the transcript here.


